Run: Easy Previous Next


4 mi


I am so angry!!!! I woke up today to find that my nice 2 mile gravel road which is the start and finish to almost all my runs up here is being PAVED!! WHY?!?!?! So dumb. The soft surface is perfect for tired legs at the beginning and end of runs, and the perfect place to do workouts. Apart from this very upsetting discovery, the run this morning was good and uneventful.

Slept in an extra half hour, I needed it after 2 short nights in a row. Got in a nice, easy 4 miles this morning which felt good. I can tell the temperatures and humidity are starting to climb as we move towards July, my 6:00am runs aren't at all chilly anymore in a sports bra and shorts, and the 7:00am run actually felt quite hot and sticky. July and higher mileage here we come!



When the trucks come, sit on the road with your legs crossed and a bandana around your head. Protest like a true runner would. Do it for you, do it for us, do it for runners everywhere.

Emma Spoon

I second what Brenna says, but this is seriously so so SO not cool! I'm bummed for you!