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3:37 PM

19 mi


7:16 mi


158 bpm
190 bpm
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Well, life hit in a tornado of "stuff" this week towards the end of the week, and my Friday and Saturday were less than impressive or ideal pertaining to my running career. I was feeling a bit.... I don't know, bummed? guilty? Not guilty, just bummed- frustrated maybe. Frustrated that it seemed like I couldn't prioritize my own running because of other commitments. I realize I sound like my overly dramatic, teenage students complaining about commitments and responsibilities. However, I find that most weeks, as long as I'm determined and willing to work for it, I can do all the things and still train well myself. And this week I didn't feel like that was the case.

Nevertheless, despite (relatively) low total mileage, and 1-2 missed doubles, I'm not going to feel bad about it. I'm too old for that. And especially after this workout, I can still say I'm happy with the week. Two good workouts, and coming out the other side unscathed is always a plus.

This workout was a tough one- I think the toughest of this cycle so far. But it was also a big victory for me, both mentally and physically. HUGE thanks to Anders for helping me out with it. It wouldn't have gone nearly as well without his company and his help- especially reps 9-12, more details to come.

We got started around 3:30pm- much later in the day, generally speaking, than I would like to start a big and somewhat intimidating workout, but that's what the day brought. We spent the morning cheering and spectating TC10 and TC Marathon, and in the process I put about 27 miles on my bike. (Also not ideal workout prep, given that I'm pretty sure 27 miles is more miles than I've put on my bike in the last year). When we got home from spectating around 1, we were both desperately in need of some calories and a little downtime before tackling a workout. About two and a half hours, a full meal, and a short nap later, we stepped out the door.

Immediately my legs felt fairly springy, and I tried to just put the morning's efforts out of my mind. I told myself the biking wasn't going to influence the workout at all, and I think that helped my mentality going into it. In order to try to get a bit more mileage in the long run we did just short of a 5 mile warm-up, followed by 2 strides, and then went on our way. Opened up in 6:46, which dear god, I hope is quite conservative come race day. But yesterday it felt about right. I was gunning for 12 miles at MP, more than I've ever accomplished in a workout before, and to open there felt alright for the moment.

Overall the splits came, and I was happy with them. I'd say the last 4 miles or so were pretty tough. The toughest, however, was actually mile 9. We turned onto lake of the Isles, straight into about a 20mph headwind. When my split for mile 9 popped up as 6:44, and it had felt significantly harder than any of the previous miles and I was really starting to suffer, I wondered for the first time whether or not I was going to be able to make it through 12, or if it was another 10 kind of day. However, as noted, huge thanks to Anders for this part of the workout. He took the lead and led into the wind for miles 10 and 11, and let me draft perfectly off his left shoulder. And it changed everything. I went from wondering if I could make it to 10 to being reassured that I could get 12. And it helped that my split for mile 10 was faster than 9, and felt easier.

I'm proud of the effort I got in today. And I continue to find that I'm becoming tougher, both mentally and physically, in these kinds of workouts.

Splits: 6:46, 6:44, 6:41, 6:37, 6:40, 6:31, 6:42, 6:34, 6:44 (headwind), 6:36, 6:31, 6:33.

Avg over 12 miles: 6:38

Last week I averaged 6:37 for 10 miles, on an arguably much easier day and with better lead-up in the days prior, so I'm happy with this one.

Just need those numbers to keep heading south. And I'm willing to work for it.

Hoping for a big week this week, and starting to look ahead at a half marathon workout 2 weeks from now.


Emma Spoon

Great perspective on life, running, and training. And way to kill a super workout!


Damn! Big run, big run. Very impressed. Whatever stuff was in the tornado, hope it's settling down now for ya.