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Anders and I got up at 5:15am on Black Friday, not to go shopping, but to go in search of snow. And our efforts were rewarded!

We heard that Trolhaugen Ski area in Wisco was going to be open for Nordic Skiing from 7am-9am today, we set an alarm and headed out on an adventure. Snow conditions weren't great, but it was good to get on the white stuff for real after months and months of roller skiing.

I will admit that I spent the first half hour very frustrated because of how hard not similar to roller skiing it was, which I know and should have been more emotionally prepared for, but it was frustrating nonetheless.

However, as our time went on it got better, I started to make the adjustment from pavement to snow, and my technique started to come back and I started to move better.

Additionally, Anders finally talked me down and out of my frustration when we talked about the full picture: really shitty, man-made snow conditions, a really warm day, skiing on really old skis and really old boots, just the first day of the year on snow in general, and also the fact that we did nothing but climb up hills. Trolhaugen is a downhill ski area, and they groom the base of their hills and the hills themselves for nordic. So we'd ski the base of the climbs, about a ~4 min loop, and then take off up one of the downhill climbs. It was grueling. And a bit of a shocker as the first day on snow.

So once we stopped and chatted at the top of one of the climbs and I got out some of my frustration, I started to enjoy myself more. I think the most frustrating part was feeling as though I wasn't any better off on snow after 6 months of roller skiing than I have been the last couple years after zero months of roller skiing. In the middle of climbs and bad snow conditions that was just about enough to put me over the edge. However, by the time we were done, dare I say I was starting to look and feel much better, and was again excited about the prospect of skiing and not simply hating it like I did for a while.

I should have been more prepared for the emotional roller coaster that is the first time on snow, but alas, I'll remember that for next time. At least the first time is out of the way for the year. Looking forward to hopefully getting on snow again tomorrow, a little closer to home, and continuing to feel better. On the drive home we talked about the fact that its probably just going to take 5 or 6 ski outings to feel good at all, so we might as well try to do it as soon as we can.

I'm also VERY excited because I have new skis and new boots waiting for me!

Conditions were really bad today, so neither Anders nor I was skiing on our race skis, and right now my old ski bindings only fit my old boots (I'm going to change the bindings today). So I was out on my old skis and old boots.

My new skis were a birthday present from Anders in May, and they've been just staring at me and taunting me all summer, so I'm itching to try them soon! Hopefully as soon as snow conditions improve a bit! And now that I'm changing my bindings I'll be able to wear my new boots no matter what skis I'm wearing. So tomorrow I'll for sure get to wear new boots!

New skis and new boots will hopefully also do wonders for my technique, and I'm excited for that. My old skis have zero edge left, so on a day like today when snow is soft and slow and almost slushy, I slide around a ridiculous amount. And my new boots are much more stiff than my old ones, which I've been roller skiing and skiing on for 10 years, so the balancing act will improve greatly just with the added stiffness.

Also, worth noting that both my new skis and new boots are HELLA nice. And both were presents from Anders, who gets ridiculously discounted prices on things because he works at the ski store we race for, and also he gets paid to work there in product as opposed to getting a paycheck. So, basically I have stupidly expensive and nice equipment for not very much money. I'm just hoping not to be too slow for my race kit. Because I don't want to be one of THOSE people.

Here's to hoping!
