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11 mi


145 lb
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Workout of a Lifetime on the Track.

Things felt good, paces were on, and the universe just aligned for the workout today.

10x 1200 @ race pace is what it turned out to be.

my goal was 8x 1200 @ race pace

2 weeks ago I ran the same workout, with the same goal of 8 pieces, and was only able to accomplish 7. This wasn't a failure by any means, but a sign of a truly difficult workout and a good simulation of race-like fatigue.

This week I felt great, and I was able to get through 10 pieces.

The 10th piece this week felt like my 7th piece two weeks ago, and to have that kind of empirical measurement is both fun and confidence-boosting. Now, I realize the days and weeks were different, and that's not necessarily a fair comparison by any means. However, it was still a great workout, physically AND mentally, and I needed that.

And now I WILL give the workout the respect it deserves and get some good recovery over the next couple days

1200 pieces (given in 400 splits):

1. 97, 97, 99

2. 96, 98, 97

3. 97, 98, 98

4. 97, 98, 97

5. 96, 96, 97

6. 96, 97, 98

7. 95, 98, 98

8. 95, 98, 97

9. 97, 97, 99

10. 96, 98, 97

Consistency was good.

Goal race pace works out to be 98-99sec (ish) per 400, so I'm quite happy with some splits.

Some got a little fast, especially because 95 seconds is 3-4 seconds fast per lap, which would be 12-16 seconds fast per mile, but they felt good, and I'm not going to beat myself up over it.


Emma Spoon

Sah-weet!! What an awesome workout. Studly.