Run: Workout Previous Next


9 mi


145 lb
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Ugh, this was a failed attempt at a long run and long workout. And yes, it was a fail.

85 degrees already in the morning, poor hydration going into it, and legs that felt like bricks. Not much to say about my last 3 weeks of training, or 3 months, except for very confused as to why I don't feel fit at all, and feel like I've put in a good spring and a good amount of work and thought.

Very much debating what my next move is.

Anything from taking Jayne's bib for Grandma's and trying to race/run it, to just shutting things down for the month of June and saying I need some time away.

Stay tuned.

Too many thoughts to report it all.



Don't judge by yesterday. Yesterday was shit. I felt like shit out there too. Too hot, we're not used to it. Made everything feel horrendous. You're fit.

Maggie P

Thanks for the encouragement B Gibby. <3

Emma Spoon

I would love to talk with you about this...and everything else in our lives! Heat sucks.

On another note, will you be in the Cities this upcoming weekend???