Run: Workout Previous Next


6:23 PM

9.7 mi


7:58 mi


171 bpm
197 bpm
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Felt good about this one. I thin I distributed my energy correctly. The last 4-5 reps were pretty difficult, but I tried to just focus on feeling smooth and strong and efficient.

Going into the workout I was very aware of the fact that as compared to last week's workout, the work portions were fifteen seconds longer and the rest portions were 30 seconds shorter. I knew that I needed to dial back a bit if 16 good reps was going to be possible. And I think I did that pretty well.

I was also pretty aware of the fact that my legs felt good today, but my mind was really fatigued. Got home from practice and work around 6 and gave myself 15-20 min of couch sitting to just stare at a wall and decompress. Then, on the warm-up, my legs immediately felt pretty good, but my mind was spinning regarding how many miles total I wanted and was fearful of too long a warm-up. About rep 9-12 my brain told me that the work pieces were long and the rest was short, and it was okay to just feel strong and if slower paces started to come, so be it, but each rep my legs fell into a great rhythm and a significant slow down never really came. In fact, the reps generally got faster over the course of the workout. Even on the cool -down I naturally turned for the shortest possible route home until I consciously thought Oh em gee, Maggie, you're legs are fine, you can take the longer route home. And on that longer route home I was spinning about whether or not I had the energy to lift, and whether or not that was going to be detrimental to this weekend, until finally I was able to remind myself that I'm in training, and I need not be concerned with such things right now.

In sum- my legs felt good in this workout, and I'm happy with it. And my legs have felt good all week. But my brain was tired and was the weak link today. Not surprising, given the abrupt return to all things school and cross country-related. Not complaining at all, because I love my job and I know I've had a rejuvenating summer, just simply acknowledging the reality which is more mental fatigue.

16x 1 min on, 1 min off, at 3k ish

Route was fairly rolling

5:33, 5:43, 5:40, 5:25,

5:39, 5:34, 5:45, 5:41,

5:44, 5:46, 5:34, 5:19,

5:35, 5:28, 5:25, 5:23

3 ish warm-up, 4 ish workout, 2.5 ish cool down
