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7 mi


145 lb
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800 workout at 5k pace today.

On the schedule which I constructed weeks/months ago I had 6-8 reps. However, I had a feeling going into it that that was not going to be a reality today given the last 5 days: Two races on Saturday, 16 mile long run on Monday, and 3 hours of dancing in high heels last night at Yale's Spring Fling.

Yep... I was right.

So didn't feel nearly as good as potentially I had hoped a while back, but felt about as good as I expected to feel going into it today. I am far too old to be too concerned with one workout feeling much harder than it should, hah.

ended up being 4x800 instead of the original 6-8x 800, and that was PLENTY.

Paces were right on, which is good, and felt hard right away, which was to be expected.





Hopefully in a few weeks/couple months, my 5k pace will be faster than that pace, but for a date-pace workout, that seems about right.


Emma Spoon

Good idea to give that busy body of yours a break! You still got in some solid work and will continue to hone into that 5k pace as you prepare for a super awesome 5k later this month!