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4:00 AM

10 mi


7:48 mi


155 lb
  • Map

Van Peenen


A beautiful run in one of my favorite places in the world. Took advantage of the cooler temperatures and headed out at the end of the afternoon, something the last few days' weather would not have allowed. My goal this week is to hit every trail system (if not almost every trail) in Decorah, and today I made another leap towards that goal. Van Peenen may be my favorite place to run, and starting from Jamie's apartment is so convenient! I was at the foot of Rocky Road 10 minutes after I took off, it was awesome!

Not necessarily in this order: Rocky Road, First Right, Little Big Horn, the Prairie, Pines East and West, Julia. Loved every step of it, despite some pretty severe GI tract and cramp stuff around mile 6.

I felt fit towards the end as I was able to cruise back along the dike and to the apartment without any indication that I was 9 miles in.

I was extremely startled by 4 horseback riders coming out of the pines. I had been in that lost, dazed, happy place for a few miles when all of a sudden there were 4 giant beasts directly in front of me. I actually let out a small audible scream and I'm sure my heartbeat jumped higher in that moment than it had been the entire run! Aside from that encounter the miles were fairly uneventful.

Looking forward to another day tomorrow, perhaps Phelps and Twin Springs?
