Run: Double Previous Next


6:30 PM

7 mi


7:09 mi


155 lb


Awesome evening run with Anders. Ran the luce line to my favorite trail system, and back. One of my go-to routes.

Not too warm because of the mild day, the conditions were perfect. We definitely cruised, and my legs felt great!

Pumped that I'm 17 miles in on day one. The weeks looks good right now.

Cooled down with a little walk around the school and played for a few minutes on the swings. By the end I was definitely battling hunger pangs because I was waiting for dinner until afterwards. Got home and there fantastic burgers waiting to be consumed.

Iron. Boom. The perfect end to a high mileage day. And it was delicious.



Stop trying to make us all jealous, but good luck on your high mileage week.