Run: Easy Previous Next


6 mi


This was was a very welcome surprise and occasion. Yesterday (Sunday evening) I said "goodbye" to Anders until Thursday because he works nights Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Each day I leave for work around 6:30am, he doesn't get home from his night shift until around 8am, and then he sleeps all day, and each night this week I had something that wasn't going to allow me to be home before 6:30pm when he left. Not the end of the world by any means, we're very used to it. However, today BOTH our cross country practice AND the girls faculty appreciation soccer game were cancelled because of severe weather. (I'm being "appreciated" as someone on the team's favorite teacher again this year, nbd) But what that meant is I left the upper school at 2:45 to head to practice, got to my car and got the call that practice and the game were cancelled, and with a HUGE rush of joy and relief and surprise I just got to drive home and be home for the DAY by 3pm. It sounds small and insignificant, but on a Monday afternoon it was such a joyful and welcome surprise. The afternoon and evening off after a really busy last 10 days or so was awesome.

I was able to see and hang out with Anders for part of the afternoon until he left for work, and we were able to get out for a recovery run together and enjoy the cool weather and laugh at our terribly cooperating muscles after yesterday's long effort. It was a wonderful, spontaneous afternoon. And I spent the evening multi-tasking with schoolwork while I watched the Bears-Seahawks game, and I got to go to bed early. Twas a fab evening.

The run itself felt better than I thought it would after 11 with quality yesterday. My legs were definitely sluggish, but by the end they were starting to loosen up a bit. I've said it before and I'll say it again, sometimes the day AFTER a long or hard effort is the one that is scarier for my IT Bands, and the legs felt great. I ran in my Hokas to have a little extra cushioning, and for an easy and relaxed run the shoes felt good.


Emma Spoon

Loved reading the pure joy in your life. Way to take advantage of the evening!