Run: Workout Previous Next


8 mi


145 lb
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YUUUP. Wade Folske you're a wizard. Knee still feeling better.

Plan is probably run every other day until race day? At this point thats probably enough volume.

My performance in the TC10 is going to answer some of the questions I was asking this summer about running vs. skiing, vs. biking, etc, and how my own body responds to different kinds of training.

It will be enlightening, if nothing else.

8x1200m @ 10 mile race pace

The splits weren't quite as pretty or impressive or consistent as when I did this workout 3 weeks ago. However, I think I'm more proud of this workout than the last. For a few reasons:

1. I was totally alone this time, and last time Anders and I tackled it together. And accomplishing a big and intimidating workout toally solo is always mentally more difficult for me.

2. My knee has been questionable, and through some patience and treatment and focus lately, I've been able to keep it happy.

3. It was Friday afternoon/evening at 5:30pm. I was tired, hungry, had had a shitty day at school AND a shitty day at practice, and I wanted nothing but to go to my buddy's bonfire with all my friends and drink a beer and hang out.

But I forced myself away from the Middle School after practice, put my head down, and got the workout in between 5:30 and 6:45pm. And by the time I was done I was very proud of myself and actually had a moment on the trail post effort where I took a second and just appreciated that. It was a good moment.


10 min warm-up

8x1200 @ 10 mile race pace; 90 seconds rest between each rep

cool down: 5 min walk back to the school and 30 min bike ride home (a good cool-down regiment for me right now, given the fact that my volume should be as low as possible.

I pretty much accomplished this workout in the least number of miles that I could.










my splits 3 weeks ago were as follows:









So I guess looking back, the were fairly similar, ish. Its hard to keep 1200's (not a track), really consistent.

So I'm happy looking at that.

Today I definitely did NOT have a 4:31 in my legs like I did 3 weeks ago. Not a chance.

However, I'm just going to let that one go and say days are different. I also have more volume and more quality in my legs this week than I did that week. That was a saturday afternoon with a friend, this was a Friday post-work, etc etc. A million factors. Basically i'm not going to look and see that 3 weeks ago and I ran a 4:30 and and panic because I didn't do that today. That's something I've learned.


Emma Spoon

You are so f-ing mature that I barely recognize the tone in this writing...and I mean that in the best way. You are an incredible teacher, coach, and athlete, and days like this are defining reminders of why you work so hard to strike such a tough balance in your life that most people would never consider "balanced." I am so proud and impressed with you, and I'm happy that you are finding an equilibrium that will allow you to toe the line on October 1st with confidence...

Emma Spoon

...even if you will be discovering new strengths and weaknesses at the same time. What a sweet opportunity it will be. I'm rooting for you!