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4:00 PM



155 lb


Fun ski at elm creek with Anders.

He was doing a sprint/interval workout, and it was fun to watch. He was working out with a few of the other guys who ski for team Solomon in the elite circuit, and it's amazing to watch their technique even at high speeds and high levels of fatigue. It's like watching really really fast runners but with an even heightened element of beauty because of the fact that skiing is so technical, and good technically skilled skiiers are just fun to watch.

I got in a solid hour ski for myself and for to warm up and cool down with the crew. It's starting to feel a little more natural again. It's easy to forget just how fun skiing is!

And there's of course the added bonus of some good and necessary time away from quality running training.

Fun and productive, couldn't ask for a better way to spend lots of hours over vacation.
