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4:00 PM



155 lb
  • Exercises


I'm frustrated with the little time I had this afternoon. I had planned to do a fartkek in the afternoon and then do some lifting, however after a Chips interview, two individual meetings with team members, and a good 45 minutes of Michael Crocker shooting footage of me for a promo video, I had much less time than I would have hoped. Ah well, life happens, and they were all good things.

Didn't have time to do the run I wanted, but I got in 6 this morning, so for this lower mileage time that's probably alright. Did manage to get in the lift I needed however, so that was good.

Thigh pulls, 3 sets of 6

Hang clean, 3 sets of 6

Snatch, 3 sets of 6

Abs/core 25 min
