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12 mi

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<No name>


4 mile WU with anders

Then 10x 2min at tempo into 20sec at 3k/mile.

75 sec rest between each

2.5ish cool down

My first few tempo pieces hovered around 6:30, which felt about right. And the faster portions were around 5:40. But Anders and I laughed when I got home after the workout because something seriously strange was going on with my GPS. According to the watch my paces got slower and slower, but so much so that the watch said my last tempo piece I was running 18 min miles. And it said my cool down was 36min/mile.

I know the last segment of the route is almost exactly 2 miles, and my GPS gave me credit for .44 miles for those 2 miles. So something was seriously screwy.

So no times exactly, but the tempo felt pretty good, and the work got done. The last three reps were hard, so I think the effort was about right.

If I mostly maintained my tempo pace, I ran about 6:30, and I’ll take that.

Fun workout that made 12 miles go by a lot faster. Maybe one of these weeks my muscles will be adapted enough to plyos that I won’t feel like a 70 year old woman getting up and down. My glutes and hamstrings and inner thighs are screaming. But I can run much better than I could last week at this time, so I’m going the right direction.
