Run: Easy Previous Next


5.5 mi


Ran 5.5 and threw in some accelerations, mostly just to break up time on the treadmill. But the accelerations felt good.

Legs overall weren't great, but that's what I expected after a hard race on Saturday. It was good to stretch out, flush some soreness, and get the legs sparked for a bit more running this week.

Additionally, I was in REALLY old shoes because I forgot to grab my running shoes when I left the house at 6:15 this morning. (constantly a battle to remember all running, skiing, lifting, teaching, etc stuff when I leave the house)

So that also probably affected how my legs felt.

Overall glad to get the run in, and it was nice to go inside, as I was running around 7pm after ski practice, I had already been outside for a couple hours, and it was dark, cold, and windy.

I was also distracted by playing with/setting up my new phone.
