Run: Easy Previous Next


6 mi


145 lb
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Early morning run around Isles and Calhoun.

Early in the morning because I had an appt with a PT/Deep Tissue guy in the morning, and I've been told by many who have seen him, Anders included, that I wouldn't be able to run afterwards, hah. (Now, 10 hrs post appointment, I can definitely confirm that I would not have been able to run afterwards.)

I was nervous for this run for two reasons: 1) It was morning, and oftentimes those don't go well, and my guess is that's because there's not ample time for me to stretch/roll etc. beforehand. 2) It was going to be almost exclusively on pavement, and I've been running a lot of soft surfaces lately because those seem to be agreeing with me.

But the IT Band held up pretty well. The aches and pains from the new shoes/inserts/heel lifts continue, and today my left glute was absolutely screaming. By the time I finished 6 I'm not sure my left glute and hamstring/medial quad would have been able to go much longer. Its ridiculous. But I think my knee cooperated, which is a big win.

Between the newness of all my footwear from last week, and the beating I took today in the form of graston on both IT Bands, releasing of my TFL and Piriformis on both sides, and cupping along my right quad, any running in the next couple days is going to be comically awful. But both PTs said that would be the case, so hopefully it will be worth it soon.
