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4 mi


7:42 mi

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Started on the side of KFC with goal of in the 7:40s for most of the workout. Started out and hit perfect splits to start with 3:52 and 7:45 the first mile. Maintained that in the next and in the 3rd fell a little off going up the hill running a 3:56 split but then got back on it to hit 7:45. Apparently I maintained that to the line running 7:32 which I didn't think I dropped that much. Overall felt good. Legs maybe a little tired in last mile but i had more in me. Ran Hill sprints on smaller hill running towards KFC

4 Mile M pace Tempo (5 min rest) +

7 x 10 second hill sprints jog down

1st- 7:45, 2nd- 15:31 (7:46), 3rd- 23:16 (7:45), 4th- 30:48 (7:32)
