Run: Easy Previous Next


12:55 PM

7.3 mi


8:43 mi


154 bpm
167 bpm


55 F


5 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


Decided to break off from the same-old loop, cross the highway, and run somewhere different for a change. Glad I did -- did some running off the road, in the ditches, on the grass out in the country. Ran a little faster than what recent easy pace has been, but it felt good to cross that threshold from jogging to running.

It wasn't my plan to run so far, given that I'm at work, but that's what happens on a random run. Oh darn. ;-)

One strange thing -- ran passed the Ice Cream Man just as I was finishing. Sure wished I had some $ on me. Though I have to wonder what the fuck the Ice Cream truck was doing, driving through the middle of an industrial park, tunes blasting on a school day. It's not like there's any kids for him to molest around here...
