Bike: Moderate Previous Next


12:07 PM

17.6 mi


15.67 mi / hr


93 F


7 / 10
8 / 10
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TARGET: 55:00, Moderate Intensity

This route is spectacular. I rode for 1+ hour through Plano and only put my foot down 1 time (had to refill my water bottle)! The Chisolm Trail has protected crossings at all intersections. The BlueBonnet trail wasn't bad either at major crossings.

Wind was 10mph from the SW and proved to test my legs on the first stretch of the BlueBonnet trail (tired legs from basketball this morning). I hit the Chisolm trail and things picked up nicely as the trail seemed much more sheltered from wind. I worked to increase the average speed to 16mph but only got it up to 15.7. Next week I'll push harder to break 16mph.
