Bike: Commute Previous Next


8:08 AM

12.3 mi


15.18 mi / hr


170 lb
130 bpm
148 bpm
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Thanks to Keith for the ride up to Arbor Hills, I got my bike out of his truck after the WMTR and pedaled on to work. Good ride. I'm pretty sure I'm done with panniers though. I'm going back to my messenger bag or possible to a commuting specific backpack.



You can try my Novarra backpack if you like. I could always fit clothes, shoes and laptop in there. It stays put, seems to have just the right pockets and is bright yellow. It also has a self contained rain cover just in case the weather changes on you.


Might give that a try. I'm hoping to look at some backpacks this weekend that have some structure that lifts it off your back and lets some airflow in. We'll see.