Bike: Commute Previous Next


9:51 AM

6.2 mi


16.87 mi / hr


170 lb
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Great ride into work. Wow I was late getting away from the house. I got busy trying to help Rachel get herself and Olivia ready to go to bible study and then still had to get my commuting bag packed. Oh well, I work late plenty of nights to make up the time.

I tried something new this time. I NEVER ride with earphones...until today. I knew this late in the morning that there wouldn't be anybody out on the MUPs, so I put the right earbud in under my headband. My earphones have volume control on the cord right by my ear as well as a pause feature, so I just paused it while I was on roads and then let it play while I was on MUP. It was AWESOME worshiping with David Crowder on a beautiful morning bike ride!
