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9:31 AM



170 lb
140 bpm
160 bpm
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Saw a challenge posted on FB from a friend for today and thought I'd give it a try...

29 in 29 on the 29th

29 pushups

29 crunches

29 squats

29 bench dips

29 pullups (overhand grip)

29 lunges (per leg)

29 star jumps

:29 wall squat

:29 plank

I really didn't know what to expect from this workout as far as difficulty...most of the exercises seemed reasonable, some looked easy, except for the pullups. That proved to be true! I did all 29 pushups in one set (I surprised myself there), split the bench dips into 3 sets (1x10, 1x10, 1x9), and then came to the pullups...oh the pullups. I thought I would go til failure and then just do the remaining in sets of 3-5 or so until I reached 29. Haha, that was funny...my failure was only 6! Yikes! I did the rest in sets of 3 until I got to 27 and then 2 more on the final set. Here's the kicker though...it took a solid 8 minutes just for the pullups! Gulp... Lunges were no problem, the star jumps were harder than I thought they'd be, but when I do plyos I go all out (broke it into 3 sets - 1x10, 1x10, 1x9), and the wall squat and plank were both very easy.

Total time: 19:40

Thought really hard about trying to do the workout 2 times within the 29 minutes allotted, but due to the pullups I knew there wasn't a chance!
