Bike: Group Previous Next


6:52 AM

30.8 mi


20.16 mi / hr


170 lb
122 bpm
139 bpm
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Rode up to CK Sports for a group ride. Ended up leading the A group. About 12 miles into the ride my Garmin decided to take a death dive at 25+mph. 3 cars whizzed by threatening to run it over and put it out of its misery (one was a deuley truck with flatbed trailer that I'm sure was mere mm away) before I could rescue it. Just threw the pieces in my pocket and worked quickly to try and catch back up to the group. Of course this happened literally before the 3 biggest hills (back to back to back) of the ride and immediately before we turned south into the 15mph headwind. Awesome! I made a game of it to try and catch back up to the group. I'd get them in sight and then work my way closer to them but would get caught at a light. After repeating that a couple of times, another guy rode up while I was waiting at a light. He's a strong rider and we've ridden together before (he was late to the start and was trying to catch us). We worked together in the wind and caught the group in no time. Went directly to the front and found our spot pulling the others along. I was spent though. The group averaged 20mph+ so I figure I did at least 20.5mph avg. GREAT WORKOUT!!!

Ode to Garmie:

It's been a good 5 years. You were a gift on my wedding day and have served me faithfully. We've spent a lot of time and a lot of miles together. Many memories I'll never forget. Tear.
