Bike: Commute Previous Next


10:07 AM

6.1 mi


13.47 mi / hr


170 lb


58 F
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Well...finally had to ride IN THE RAIN. In over 3 months of sharing a car, Rachel and I have done pretty good at communicating when we need to be where to one another. She had bible study and there was a 40% chance of rain in the morning. Hmmm. Had we planned it well, she could have just dropped me off on her way to her bible study, but I was up til 3am (working on paperwork and then re-configuring our wireless network and external storage to be accessible remotely) and didn't get up early enough to get myself ready and help her get Olivia and herself ready early enough to take me in before bible study.

Anyway, I did some work from home and took care of things around the house and got a late morning start. II rode the mountain bike for better traction. It was only sprinkling for most of the ride, so it really wasn't a problem...and the temp wasn't cold so it was a non-issue. Definitely not that fun commuting on the MTB though.
