Bike: Group Previous Next


3:30 PM

31.1 mi


16.35 mi / hr


170 lb
143 bpm
188 bpm


88 F
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Wow, feels good to get back on the tri bike! First time to ride it in 2012.

Dad mentioned a group ride for this afternoon with Legacy Church so we met up and rode from my house to his friend Dave's house and then on to the church. Didn't really know what to expect but figured if I was showing up in a full tri bike setup to a road ride that I would be heckled and attacked to be put in my place so to speak. I was very pleased with what I was capable of though. I rode at the front of the pack the whole ride with the exception of when I had to stop and grab my Garmin which launched off my handlebars and tumbled down the road at 30mph after hitting a bump. Overall, great test of the legs and pleased with where I'm at considering I haven't done ANY competitive riding this year. I guess the commuting I've been doing is keeping up a nice base for me.
