Bike: Group Previous Next


6:44 AM

25.7 mi


19.95 mi / hr


170 lb
144 bpm
172 bpm
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Did the Lifetime Fitness ride from CK Sports this morning. I'm getting a little frustrated with this ride. Advertised as a 25 mile ride with A, B, and C groups (19+, 17-19, 14-16 no-drop mph respectively), yet the last 2 weeks in a row the A group leader (Mitch) insists on going on a 45 mile route that turns away from the normal route LESS THAN 1/2 MILE INTO THE RIDE!!! Seriously? This morning, Mitch was griping that there were so few people going with the A group (only 2 last week and maybe 4-5 this week), so I told him he might consider doing 2 laps of the normal 25 mile route. There's an idea! Do the freaking mileage that's advertised on the normal route! Anyway, just a little frustrated that I've had to lead a makeshift A group on the normal route with 2-3 other people.

This was essentially a solo ride. 2 other guys caught me at a stoplight on the section coming back into the headwind, so they hung on my wheel for the rest of the ride. I got lots of time in the aerobars though since I wasn't doing any drafting! :)
