Bike: Commute Previous Next


7:23 AM

6.2 mi


15.45 mi / hr


170 lb


48 F
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Maybe not the best choice to ride today...oh well. Weather said 10% chance of rain this AM and then up to 40% this afternoon. I took my chances since Rachel needs the car today. Her and Little Bit were still sleeping when I left so didn't want to bother them for a ride.

I came across a crossing guard in a school-zone with a little bit of a power trip. I make a right turn at this intersection, but came to a stop as she was walking out in the intersection. Some kids crossed the street and were already clear of my side and stepping on to the sidewalk of the other side so I went on and made my right turn. She then proceeded to blow the whistle at me and yelled, "YOU NEED TO STOP! THERE ARE KIDS STILL CROSSING THE STREET." I looked back at her immediately thinking I must have not seen a kid or something but there was nobody in the intersection and the only 2 kids I saw were the ones that I had just watched cross (now safely on the sidewalk). I looked back at the lady and said, "Are you serious?" Wow! I suppose I should have waited until the crossing guard had gone back to the sidewalk like I would if I was a car. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt since she is most likely volunteering and helping protect kids. My bad.

The next crossing guard I came upon was awesome. He had a big grin when he saw me and told me to have a great day.



Geeezz Brian! Can't believe you tried to take out those kids!