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6:53 AM

31.5 mi


19.29 mi / hr


170 lb
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CK group ride. My buddy Moises was in town visiting his parents and we couldn't pass up an opportunity to get a ride and run in together (he's training for the Stonebridge Olympic tri too). I've missed the CK ride for at least 3-4 weeks now and it has changed quite a bit. They've adjusted the route due to some construction completion on other roads. However, there were some complaints from the group about the roads having too much traffic so they made more adjustments. Pace was painfully slow for the first 15 miles...not sure what happened to the A group cause everyone was riding slow. I finally went to the front after 15 miles and pushed the pace a bit. We were averaging 17 mph 15 miles into the ride and we finished the ride at 19.3mph average. Felt pretty strong considering I haven't done much over the last few weeks.
