Bike: Group Previous Next


7:06 AM

37.8 mi


19.07 mi / hr

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Met up with Aaron for the CK Sports group ride. We decided to go with the "A" group with a 20+mph average pace over a 25 mile loop. I knew it would be a challenge for me, but that's what I wanted to get out of riding with a group. About 10 miles in, a guy near the back dropped his chain while downshifting on an uphill. Myself and 2 others hung back. We made a push to catch back up to the group, but I dropped back about 100 feet on the next uphill (I'm weak on the hills). At the top of the hill I hit a light and separated from our trailing group of 4. The ride lead, Jay, hung back for me but we hit the next light on red again and were "dropped" at that point. We rode the last 13 miles together and it was enjoyable, but I felt like a pansy for getting dropped. Oh well, lots of room to improve. We finished the 25 mile loop with a 19+mph average. After a break in the CK Sports parking lot, Aaron convinced me to do another half loop with him and 6 others. I told myself I could do this because if I hadn't have dropped back to help the guy with the dropped chain I probably could have hung with the group the whole ride. Anyway, I was somewhat right as I stayed with the group, but we did slow our pace down a bit. Overall, GREAT ride compared to a solo ride!
