Run: Daily Run Previous Next


11:45 AM

7.5 mi


7:07 mi


80 F
  • Map



Well...I was kind of wishy-washy on how far I wanted to run today. I would have liked to get more like 10 or 12 in, but...I felt pretty beat up yesterday, and I know tomorrow's run will be tough, so...I decided to opt for my 6 mile Old Webster loop, and if I felt pretty good at the end, tack on a mile or two...and then if I was up to it, get another 3 or 4 in later that evening.

Well...I actually felt pretty good...way better than yesterday. So, I'm cruising through Old Webster, and, well...a train is coming through, blocking me from taking Gore to Rock Hill Rd to complete my loop. So...rather than just hang out for a few minutes to wait, I decide I'll just run up to Elm (which goes under the tracks, so I could keep running) to Brentwood. I figure it'll only add a half mile or mile to the loop. But, I was feeling pretty good, so I took the long finish, and ended up being a 7.45 mile run, which was good.

I definitely passed a guy on Lockwood who was wearing some type of weird racing flat. Or a fashion shoe, or something. looked painful to see how much he was overpronating. Poor guy.

I also noticed that there is a donut shop on Brentwood, called Lamar's. Definitely gonna have to try that place out sometime.
