Run: Daily Run Previous Next


9:00 AM

8.1 mi


7:26 mi


50 F
  • Map

Dillon, CO


Another gorgeous run along the Rec-Path along Lake Dillon. Gorgeous stuff, indeed. Makes it easy to just cruise along for an hour. I just ran the path to Frisco and back.

Points of interest, other than the obvious beauty of the scenery, which I could go on about for days, so, I'll stick to interesting/goofy sightings:

- Saw Lauren & Mike finishing up their run. They'd gotten up earlier than me, and headed up to the dam to run ~2 miles. They asked me to note how far it was to the pumping station, where they turned around. Turns out it was 1.25 miles, by the way.

- I used a fine Colorado outhouse along the path. It was no mulch toilet like I'm spoiled with on Grant's Trail, but it did the trick.

- In the outhouse, was an interesting sign, that I found amusing, due to its obviousness: "Please do not throw trash into the toilet. It is very difficult to remove." Ahhh...the last sentence made me chuckle. Reminded me of a Deep Thought by Jack Handy (of Saturday Night Live fame) which went like this: "If you ever drop your keys into a volcano...forget it, man, they're gone."

- I was harassed by a blackbird on my run...twice. Apparently, I was running in his territory, as for about 200 meters, he flew at me multiple times, flying quite low. Then, since I was running an out and back, he did the same thing on my way back. Punk bird.

- I passed 2 marathoners. One was an old guy wearing and Estes Park Marathon shirt, and the other a woman with a Colorado Marathon (which was apparently sponsored by Bud Light...nice) shirt.

Ummm...I think that was it. Good stuff.
