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8:24 AM

3.4 mi


7:20 mi


164 lb
167 bpm
174 bpm



10 / 10
10 / 10

Race Result

60 / 947 (6.3%)
52 / 469 (11.1%)
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Celebration Tri-Sprint

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I am going to just enter my whole history in this text and then copy into all three events since it is difficult to break down this info into the above catagories.

So the other day, yesterday, I complete my first tri, I think it went better then the horror story I read the other day from Cuch, and I learned a few things which was why I did it.

The most exciting part first, the results for 0.62m swim/17.5m bike and 3.4m run:

Overall- 1:48:49

110th out of 947

551place for swim

52nd place for bike

60th for run

26:08 (swim), 3:32 (T1, 451st place), 52:18(bike, rate of 20.1mph, 52nd place), 2:00(T2, 528th place), 24:53 (Run, 7:19 pace)


94th out of 469

309place for swim

46th for bike

52 for run

Age Group 35-39

15th out 81

So, they didn't let us in the water till about 2 minutes before the start, we where the first wave, men 35-39. I had no warm up, they count down from 10, shout GO, I drowned much like Cuch for the first 1/4 to 1/3 of it trying to get a rythm. I started intentially int he back of the heat and to the outside and it was the best choice of the whole race. I didn't really get kicked except the occassional one so that was nice, I just struggled to find a groove, I was breathing EVERY stroke though in the pool I could sprint laps and still only breath every 3 to 4. There was just something so different about this open water thing and no wet suit due to the high water temp of 83-85. I finally got a pace going, and still breathed constantly but at least improved from the drowning Sailor. I finished strong (as strong as I had) and Allycia said I looked awesome heating into T1, she said a lot of people where walking up the hill to their bikes where I jogged right up and started changing gear.

I had everything laid out on a towl. Tossed my fuel into my back shirt pocket which I still had on from the swim, tossed and clipped the helmet, glasses, gloves, dried the feet, put on socks and throw on the shoes, lesson learned, i forgot to unbuckle my shoes so I lost about 10 sec unbuckling my shoes before I could put them on. Other then that I was pretty pleased, ran up the hill, jumped on teh bike and went off. Here is where I made up major time. I can tell you all without lying, not 1 person paced me the entire ride, for 17.5 miles I passed everyone I could. I sucked one Gu and my water and pedaled away feeling good. I rolled into T2 feeling good after that uplifting ride of kicking ass. I had a 2min T@ where I tossed my helmet, changed shoes and was off again. Here I could have saved time with my race belt which was in Sanford. I had to actually safety pin my bibn to my shirt in T2 instead of just clipping on my race belt and being off. The run went well. I didn't really look at teh watch, just ran what I felt my body could handle. I was SHOCKED when I looked at the results and saw 7:19, I was very happy at tehat pace, it did not feel that fast, I will admit that. I was once again passing people for the first 2.5 miles or so and with about 1 mile the only 1 person to pass me since the end of the swim was the lady that finished about 10 sec in front of me. I think I am more proud if that 20 some miles of only 1 person passing me then I am about the rest of the race results.

I felt good, everyone i was strong all the way through the finish and looking good. I was not to sore afterwards. I owever, after finishing this I do feel i will do anolympic, even if jsut a fun trial in sanford for practice just to see what it feels like. I now I can't go out at timberman with the pace I had for this one. Doing this though gave me some positive feelings about the half though.
