agarc026's profile   

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Name: Alex garcia
Profession: Optician and Optometric Tech
Age: 34
Current Weight: 59 kg
Goal Weight: 65.8 kg
About me: 
I like challenges and trying new stuff out. Im a very different type of guy. I get board easy if I don't have a challenge or have something to keep me interested. I love running but I also hate it LOL. Its always been a love/ hate relationship with me. I think mainly because I've done it for so long. I ran in high school and college. I stopped after i got out of college but now im back into it. I also play allot of soccer and am starting to train for triathlons.
Why do I run: 
because I always want to reach the next level and I know that us runners are some among very few people that actually know how to dig down deep and endure the mental/physical pain.
Why I started running: 
because thats what Mexicans do lol. Ive always liked running and being active.