2019 3:20, And Beyond (Read 444 times)


    Nice job on the BQ berylrunner!

    Rlk_117 - .Enjoyed the report.  The smile on your face at 26 says it all!  I was spectating at mile 20, probably saw you run by.  I hope to be running next year.

    Darkwave, good one.  I have yet to run a Parkrun though I have my barcode.  Need to get up to SF where they have them.  Low key racing is my favorite.


    Had a super light week of only 19 miles.  We traveled to NY to my grandson's christening so that put a crimp in the running.  It's freaking 18 deg outside right now ... Everyone that runs in this weather has my respect!

      rlk - great race report! ... and good running form.

      beryl - congrats on the BQ!  that's huge!

      dw - nice off-hand 5K


      my week:

      M: 4 easy + weights

      T: 6 easy

      W: 5 easy + weights

      Th: 9 with hilly tempo 5@6:55

      F: 5 easy + weights

      S: 8 hilly

      S: 6 easy

      total = 43


      I decided to emphasize weights more ... including dead lifts for the 1st time in my life... as my running is slow and not really improving.



        Thanks all.  Minor issues, just felt flat the whole race.  No spring in my stride.  Stomach issues 2 miles in and lost 2 minutes in the port a potty and then working around the 3:30 pace group.  Hamstring cramp at mile 24 that required a brief walk.  I am happy, sore but no injuries,  I think recovery will be brief.

        12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

        2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

        4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

        5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




        Cobra Commander Keen

          RLK - Finally, the RR! Once again, great job on the race. And you have much better taste in gels than Alix does.

          Beryl - !! Great job! RR incoming?

          DWave - Good week. I've got the RR queued up.

          Nearly 46 miles last week, with a hill repeat session. It's feeling good to keep upping the mileage a bit. DD3 had really rough nights over the weekend (tummy troubles), so I got maybe 6 hours of sleep over the weekend. I turned off my alarm this morning without even realizing it - I'll add in a couple easy doubles to help recover the easy mileage.

          There were a few local runners who did Houston over the weekend. Once fast guy who seems to always run near 2:34-2:35, course profile or temperature be damned. The guy who won OKC last year ran 2:27. And the woman who I met after she beat me at my favorite little HM ran 2:56. She has just impressed the hell out of me - She ran ~3:05 in NYC, ~2:57 at CIM, then dropped this one. So many marathons in such a short time, always with improvement. Not sure how she does it. I'll definitely have my work cut out for me if she shows up at that HM again this year.

          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


          Upcoming Races:





          Pace Prophet

            Great report, rlk, and what fun that you could run with teammates!  I met kinase at CIM when I did it in 2013.


            Congratulations Beryl!


            Hi everyone else.  I'm still running a little (20-25mpw) and skiing 1-2x/week. If you see 40mpw and 5000' elevation on Strava you can guess which one it is.  Trying to decide if I want to sign up for the Canyonlands half in mid-March.

              Hi everyone else.  I'm still running a little (20-25mpw) and skiing 1-2x/week. If you see 40mpw and 5000' elevation on Strava you can guess which one it is.  Trying to decide if I want to sign up for the Canyonlands half in mid-March.


              I was in Northern NM over the holidays and we had a shit load of snow.  I imagine Purgatory is in good shape?


              Also, how do you feel about racing when you are much slower than you used to be?   (asking for a friend...)





                Also, how do you feel about racing when you are much slower than you used to be?   (asking for a friend...)


                Looks like we have a friend in common... sigh.


                ps: how is mary cain doing these days? I heard something about training with a new group

                Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33



                  I was in Northern NM over the holidays and we had a shit load of snow.  I imagine Purgatory is in good shape?


                  Also, how do you feel about racing when you are much slower than you used to be?   (asking for a friend...)


                  I know this person, too...


                  Had to take a few days off from running last week, so 37M for me.  One of my arches was acting up a bit, so it was probably for the best.

                  Speed Surplus

                    Congrats on the BQ, Beryl! I haven't paid close enough attention to remember what kind of taper (if any) you were doing, but do you think it contributed to feeling flat on race day?


                    Thanks for the RR, RLK! I know the feeling of having faster PRs at basically all other distances and feeling frustrated about a (relatively) slow marathon PR. And welcome to club 3:12, by the way!


                    RE: Racing when you're slower. I'm scared to do it, so I really haven't. After a training cycle I just don't really race until I get fit again. The downside is that I haven't raced much these past few years - I only ran 2 races last year. Right now I'm in a place where I'm still hoping to set new PRs at several distances, but at 41, I know the clock is ticking a little bit on some of them. So, yeah... racing when I know there's no hope of a PR is something I'll have to come to terms with. I suppose it might be a little bit like playing basketball for me right now - I have the vestiges of basketball skills, but when I actually try it I find I'm a shadow of my former self. I do still find it fun to play, though.


                    My week: First time I've cracked 40 miles since May 2018, I think. I'm really trying to go for a 5k PR in March. I think I'm roughly in 19:40 shape based on the 5x1k workout I did this week... got a bit of work to do from there.


                    <tfoot> </tfoot>
                    Day Miles Pace Duration Description HR Egain Link
                    Mon 6.4 7:40 0:49 Kind of a double progression thing 149 (81%) 215 strava
                    Tue 10.2 8:37 1:27 Bungled the loop I was going for, but it worked out OK 141 (77%) 623 strava
                    Wed 5.9 8:30 0:50 Recovery loops 136 (74%) 167 strava
                    Thu 3.4 8:24 0:28 Easy mill miles - workout tomorrow, hopefully 139 (76%) 0 strava
                    Thu 2.2 2:18 0:04 4 min 58 sec Just Ride 0 (0%) 0 strava
                    Fri 2.5 10:12 0:25 WU 134 (73%) 185 strava
                    Fri 3.4 11:10 0:37 5x1000, 4 min rests. 3:55, 3:55, 3:49, 3:54, 3:51 139 (76%) 84 strava
                    Fri 1.5 9:48 0:14 CD 146 (79%) 0 strava
                    Sun 10.0 7:53 1:19 Last 5 miles pickup slightly 144 (78%) 101 strava
                    Sun 1.6 8:47 0:14 CD 142 (77%) 153 strava
                      47.1 8:20 6:33     1528

                    5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12

                    Running Problem

                    Problem Child

                      rlk nice race report. Maybe I'll buy you that beer I owe you in 2019.


                      only 40 last week. Still haven't signed up for a marathon I'm kind of training for. Still haven't done more than a 4 mile "tempo" run and not enough downhill speed work. #doomed. At least TRX is getting better/easier. I'm up to a 1 minute plank.


                      Long weekend. Friday drove 5 hours to be "in town" for "christmas" for my uncle and cousins (only time their schedules worked. Fire Fighter problems). Drove home Sunday to avoid the 20 mph winds and estimated 2' of snow with 2wd people trying to go to "Tahoe" (hashtag california problems) for the weekend. Got a 15 miler in and picked up the last mile which didn't feel TOO hard.


                      Forced myself outside yesterday in the middle of doing lots of stuff. Wife came home sick. Today is 3/4 mile repeats in the "feels like 30F" weather. At least Thursday MIGHT be warmer for an attempt at a 6 or 7 mile tempo run plus warm up and cool down. It's a little intimidating to aim or 6:50 pace.


                      Can't post the weekly apparenty. It's probably linked here somewhere. There are some STUPID segments in my "home town."


                      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                      VDOT 53.37 

                      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                      Resident Millennial

                        sclever- didn't realize you're a 3:12er too! Ok, so I look at the rest of your PRs and they are all within spitting distance of mine (except that HM) but faster. Do you feel that your marathon PR doesn't quite measure up to the rest? Or were you fitter when you ran the shorter distance PRs than when you ran your marathon PRs?

                        mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

                        Speed Surplus

                          sclever- didn't realize you're a 3:12er too! Ok, so I look at the rest of your PRs and they are all within spitting distance of mine (except that HM) but faster. Do you feel that your marathon PR doesn't quite measure up to the rest? Or were you fitter when you ran the shorter distance PRs than when you ran your marathon PRs?


                          I think that since I ran 3:12 last year, my PRs are more or less in line. It's not quite as good as my half or 5k PR, but it's a lot closer than the 3:22 I had before. I had done 1:28 for the half on two separate occasions, but could only manage the 3:22 for a full afterward (and actually ran a 3:38 not long after running 1:33 on a hilly course that was probably good for 1:31 on a flat course).


                          I'm not exactly fast-twitch (although I think I USED to be) but I basically had no endurance.


                          In other words, I don't think I was fitter when I ran the shorter distance PRs - at least not fitter for the marathon.

                          5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12

                             ps: how is mary cain doing these days? I heard something about training with a new group


                            Speaking of never going to be as fast as you used to be...


                            I haven't heard anything recently.  I can't look into it further, as the restraining order was never actually lifted.


                            Resident Millennial


                              I haven't heard anything recently.  I can't look into it further, as the restraining order was never actually lifted.



                              mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                              Mother of Cats



                                RE: Racing when you're slower. I'm scared to do it, so I really haven't. After a training cycle I just don't really race until I get fit again. The downside is that I haven't raced much these past few years - I only ran 2 races last year. Right now I'm in a place where I'm still hoping to set new PRs at several distances, but at 41, I know the clock is ticking



                                I guess I'm the opposite - I don't like to wait until I'm in shape to race.  A lot of that is because I find that my first race back is usually pretty rough, so I'd rather get it done before I'm in shape.  There's also a freeing sensation to racing when you know the time will not be what you normally run - it's freeing, in a way.    You just go out and do what you can do.


                                RLK - my observation (training on a mixed gender team) is that men usually have a sharper drop-off from the shorter distances to the full than women do.


                                CK - that NYC/CIM/Houston triple is ridiculous.  How old is she?


                                Brewing - nice on the planks.




                                Sucky day for me today.  It was pretty cold for this morning's 1200s (12 degrees).  I handed the temps well, but the super-dry air (DP of 4) apparently was the trigger for some breathing issues - really frustrating.  I got about 600m into the first 1200, and went from feeling confident to awful.  Debated internally whether to bail, but decided instead just to do what I could, without forcing stuff.  That ended up being a 4x1200 at tempo pace that felt like VO2Max effort, with 2 minute recoveries.  Just really frustrating.  I know intellectually that stuff like this happens, and it's not a reflection of my fitness or toughness, but it's still hard to handle emotionally in the moment, y'know.

                                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.