ultimate runner's test...... (Read 4097 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

    You still have not addressed why you think that advice for humans is generalizable to pandas. Or why advice about horses is useful for humans.

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      That was a great video. But that cheetah, like others I've seen in pursuit, went from trotting to running long before it went into final sprint -- and it is definitely galloping with all four legs off the ground at times in final sprint Not an obvious model for race walking... MTA: The van, on the other hand, kept it all four wheels on the ground until the very end of its final sprint Smile

      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


        You still have not addressed why you think that advice for humans is generalizable to pandas. Or why advice about horses is useful for humans.
        You don't hear pandas and horses whining about their sore knees or ACL injuries.

        The process is the goal.

        Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.


        Options,Account, Forums

          You don't hear pandas and horses whining about their sore knees or ACL injuries.
          Aha. So the problem was not letting people vote -- it comes from teaching them speech. I concur.

          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

          sport jester


            Horses have a joint identical in structure to the human knee called the Trindle or stifle. It functions as their wrist, but in size, its an excellent training model for human surgeons. Page three of interest http://www.equineortho.colostate.edu/pdf/arthros2006.pdf http://www.horseconnection.com/site/archive/story-july07.html the program's home page at Colorado State University http://www.equineortho.colostate.edu/ http://www.ors.org/Documents/ORS_Workshop_2.pdf Yes they tear their ACL's, and they also suffer from osteoarthritis ten times faster than a human. And if you want to enter a very cool marathon, you could try this one.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_versus_Horse_Marathon

            Experts said the world is flat

            Experts said that man would never fly

            Experts said we'd never go to the moon


            Name me one of those "experts"...


            History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong

              I'm sorry. Did I get him going again? My bad. He's kind of like that annoying kid in the schoolyard who won't leave you alone. And we keep poking him to see how he'll react. I'm expecting my grade 3 teacher to yell at me.
              Next goal: Great Wall Marathon
                An ostrich could out turn a cheetah and not lose traction.
                Phew, that's a relief. Every time I go for a jog lately, I like to make random turns and I don't want to lose traction or torque. Plus, on the really interesting runs, cheetah's chase me, and as of late, I haven't been able to dodge them.

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                  Phew, that's a relief. Every time I go for a jog lately, I like to make random turns and I don't want to lose traction or torque. Plus, on the really interesting runs, cheetah's chase me, and as of late, I haven't been able to dodge them.
                  Funny, I heard about a group support program for animals that fail to outrun a cheetah, but, animals just don't show up for it for some reason.

                  It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                  Jazz hands!

                    Also, neither a cheetah nor an ostrich could run a 10k without keeling over dead. Guys. What if we chased down an ostrich until exhastion, and then PUT IT ON THE OUTSIDE of a turducken? Osterducken!!!!!!!!!
                    run run run AHHHHHH run run run

                    Self anointed title

                      Sport Jester, You have mentioned several times that your own world record is in rowing. Please could you tell me which world record it is? Thank you.



                        Also, neither a cheetah nor an ostrich could run a 10k without keeling over dead. Guys. What if we chased down an ostrich until exhastion, and then PUT IT ON THE OUTSIDE of a turducken? Osterducken!!!!!!!!!
                        I'll only eat it if you cover it in bacon.

                          26 pages.

                          Runners run


                          Options,Account, Forums

                            Also, neither a cheetah nor an ostrich could run a 10k without keeling over dead. Guys. What if we chased down an ostrich until exhastion, and then PUT IT ON THE OUTSIDE of a turducken? Osterducken!!!!!!!!!
                            I want some -- I just ate but you're making me hungry all over again! Osturducken...

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                              What about the difference in gait from a narrow-hipped male and a wide pelvis female?


                              Runners run

                                It took you 23 pages to finally explain yourself, and you continue with obtuse, unanswerable questions, or links that prove or teach nothing.
                                your impatience is your undoing young grasshopper. if you seek enlightenment you must ponder the blather and absorb it into your being. only upon mastery of yourself can you then find mastery of your speed. you must improve hip movement and foot strength via oscillation of the torso through improved quasi upper body stillness and straight-line approach to effective efficient use of the body movement in a ergonomic fashion. If you still don't understand then go back and seek enlightenment again.