Mapmyrun.com Question (Read 1707 times)


Professional Noob

    So what you are all saying is that ... YMMV. Thanks.

    Roads were made for journeys...

    Just Be

      I think you may be on to something.
      Wait a second! Are you calling me smart?!?! Shocked Angry Cry
      Go Daddy

        So assuming that the poles of the earth are at rest, Chicago at latitude 42°N miles at a linear velocity of 770miles per hour relative to the pole. New Orleans at 30° North moves at 890 miles per hour. Applying the Lorentz transformation, we see the following: So a meter in New Orleans is shorter than a meter in Chicago.
        This must be why the Bears don't have a passing game. Grossman comes from Florida which is in the south and most of the wide receivers are from the south. But the ball is thrown in Chicago which has short meters. This means that the receivers are running too far and the ball is being thrown too far but the ball is not traveling as far as it is thrown.
          Man, I hate to bring this up, but I'm not so sure you guys have it solved yet. Glob had the basics of relativity without actually figuring in relativity itself. The distance of a meter is Chicago vs New Orleans in his example is based on the idea that the poles are stationary and that Chicago and New Orleans are not. Unfortunately, we all know that nothing in the universe is ever stationary. The poles, much like Chicago and New Orleans, are hurtling through space at breakneck speed. But that's neither here nor there. The part that was left out of Glob's example was that the distances in Chicago and New Orleans are not measured relative to the poles or even to one another. Instead they are measured relative to the position of the satellite at the time. Now that brings up a whole bunch of issues. Was the satellite "stationary" relative to both locations at the time the photos were taken? Were the photos even taken with the satellite in the same position? For all we know the satellite gathered data over Chicago and then moved to a point of exactly equal distance above New Orleans to gather data there. If that's the case then both sets of data were collected from points equally relative which means the measurements would be equal. As for the idea that New Orleans is traveling faster through space and therefore would measure a meter differently than Chicago, this also overlooks special relativity as it pertains to the topic. If we assume SR and Lorentz to be accurate, then we must also consider that the transformations are made once again relative to a "stationary" pole. The reality is that a runner in Chicago will experience a meter to be exactly the same distance as a runner in New Orleans. This is because Lorentz has the same effect on the runner as it does on the road. The runner's strides and even his / her feet would decrease in size at exactly the same proportion that the measure of a meter decreases in size. The result would be that the runner in Chicago expends just as much energy and travels an equal distance ( relative to the runner, and that's all we really care about ) as the runner in New Orleans. Long story short.... when viewed experientially the distance is equal and therefore any discussion of special relativity and Lorentz is a red herring.
          And who am I anyway?
          Just another fat jogger, evidently.

          Good Bad & The Monkey

            This is because Lorentz has the same effect on the runner as it does on the road. The runner's strides and even his / her feet would decrease in size at exactly the same proportion that the measure of a meter decreases in size.
            Globule. You have been served!

              It all makes sense now.

              E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

                It all makes sense now.
                Indeed. Just as I suspected, the stationary poles are for the dancers. Not for some silly misapplication of science.

                When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                  Indeed. Just as I suspected, the stationary poles are for the dancers. Not for some silly misapplication of science.
                  "They don't grade fathers, but if your daughter's a stripper...you f-ed up!" - Chris Rock

                  Just Be

                    As for the idea that New Orleans is traveling faster through space and therefore would measure a meter differently than Chicago, this also overlooks special relativity as it pertains to the topic. If we assume SR and Lorentz to be accurate, then we must also consider that the transformations are made once again relative to a "stationary" pole. The reality is that a runner in Chicago will experience a meter to be exactly the same distance as a runner in New Orleans. This is because Lorentz has the same effect on the runner as it does on the road. The runner's strides and even his / her feet would decrease in size at exactly the same proportion that the measure of a meter decreases in size. The result would be that the runner in Chicago expends just as much energy and travels an equal distance ( relative to the runner, and that's all we really care about ) as the runner in New Orleans. Long story short.... when viewed experientially the distance is equal and therefore any discussion of special relativity and Lorentz is a red herring.
                    Ah, but this doesn't take into account the relativistic differences between 2 runners at each location running a single mile along a straight line of a different radial than his other location counterpart! Big grin Evil grin

                    Just Be

                      BTW, bringing into this discussion a theory originally designed to measure stuff at speeds near that which light travels and applying it to runners... total +10!

                      Hold the Mayo

                        Ah, but this doesn't take into account the relativistic differences between 2 runners at each location running a single mile along a straight line of a different radial than his other location counterpart! Big grin Evil grin
                        If a train leaves Chicago at 9:00 AM traveling at 100 miles an hour, and a train leaves New Orleans at 9:30 AM traveling 150 miles an hour.... ah, nevermind.

                        Just Be

                          If a train leaves Chicago at 9:00 AM traveling at 100 miles an hour, and a train leaves New Orleans at 9:30 AM traveling 150 miles an hour.... ah, nevermind.
                          ... at the very same time Trent's race starts, they will both derail due to the effect of all his participants' pounding the earth into a new rotational pattern.
                            On a more tangible note... The functions I found lacking in the mapping here at RA are the import / export as discussed earlier and the really annoying fact that you can't resize the map. What's up with that anyway? It's like a ten minute fix. As for the Adblock, no offense but this is a clear cut case of OE ( Operator Error ). Adblock is software, not some psychic gremlin that lives in your computer. It's a complex filtering system that, if used as is, will be handy but not nearly as effective as it will if you put in like 12 seconds a day for a week to tune it. It uses constantly updated filters to block known ads. The problem there is that it's impossible to keep up with the volume of ads on the internet. The beauty of it is that you can tune it by expanding the filters based upon your own browsing habits. Sounds tricky, I know. But it's really simple. All you have to do is when you run into an ad online, right click the ad and then click Block. The ad is automatically added to the adblock filter. But wait, there's more. Adblock will also go through the vast amount of information contained in a typical .gif or .jpg and begin building rules to not only block that ad in the future, but to also block other ads from that company / designer. Plus... it will also build rules based upon placement and add those to the filters as well. This way, if you go to say, mapmyrun.com, and there is an ad just below the header you simply block it. Now you never see that ad again. Plus, you are much less likely to never see an ad from that company again. Plus, if the site simply replaces the ad with a new ad from another company, you won't see that one either because adblock now knows that mapmyrun places ads just below the header so it will scrutinize anything in that area very closely. Literally, it took me less than a week to get to the point where I simply never see ads anymore. You will be amazed at how few ads you have to block manually before the software simply shuts them all out.
                            And who am I anyway?
                            Just another fat jogger, evidently.

                            Good Bad & The Monkey

                              Import/Export are on the short list that will follow the log update (which I have previewed and which is pretty cool) and will come with GPS import. Worth the wait. Map resize I understand is coming as well, and lord knows I have asked for it for my big monitor at work. And I'm hurt. How dare you snark in such a snark-free thread?!? Wink For real question though: if adblock blocks a section of the screen, then what makes the wasted now-white-space any better than the wasted then-ad-space? Then again, given how rarely I need to import/export my maps, I don't see the need to spend 12 seconds a day teaching my computer to filter ads.

                              Just Be

                                Adblock can be likened to the lottery ball that clears out the internet tubes so that the big trucks can fit through them again.