Ex-smoker starting a running routine - anyone else in this boat? (Read 1304 times)

CO Christian

    I started jogging about 2.5 years ago, hoping to replace my smoking habit. Now, I'm running AND smoking... much less than before, but I'm one of those morons that runs 5-6 miles, cools off, stretches then has a cigarette. Never had a weight problem, but don't want one either. (I know, I know... it's better than a cancer problem.) Embarrassed For what it's worth... Couch to 5K is how I got this far too.

    Outside Lane

      I was one of the morons too. Ran the last 5 years while still smoking a pack a day. Finally set a quit date last 10/20 and have been smoke free since - did the patch. All is good. Dreamed I smoked last night - so it's obviously still a fight (at least in my sleep!). Picking up on the number of miles each month since I do seem to be eating more....

      See how they run...

        beatlemaniac - it took me about a year before i stopped having at least occasional dreams that i'd had a cigarette. its quite common apparently. i remember how relieved i was as it dawned on me that i really hadn't had one.
          I quit smoking in September of 1987. I aquired healthier habbits.
          I'm condemned by a society that demands success when all I can offer is failure. -Max Bialystock

          Moving right along....

            Ive be smoke free for almost 2 years, been running about 3. Took some time, but I finally did it after smoking for 34 years. Just know that you may put some weight on even if you continue to run and workout, and know too that it gets easier.....the breathing.....it eventually does get easier. Congrats and keep up the good work! J
            By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin

            Gotta TRI

              EM, Congratulations!! Welcome to the club. I quit aug. 20, 07 and have been running strong since. The EX-SMOKERS support group is AWESOME!!! A great bunch of folks there will be there for you at every craving, low time and high time in your journey. Please, post often. May I also say to everyone else that responded to EM- WOW!! I didn't realize how many ex's we have here. It really is comforting to know that I'm not alone in this either. Thanks to all. Andy
              2010 Dec. California International Marathon 2011 Jan. Disney Marathon

              el Jeffe

                Awesome, I'm in this club too. After smoking for 10 years, I quit maybe 4 years ago and started running at the same time. I started out on the treadmill and at first it was a struggle just to make it through a mile in 10 minutes, let alone anything further. I was probably 50 pounds overweight at first so that didn't help either. Tongue I stuck with it though, and I quickly found that the longer I was a non smoker, the easier running got. After a while it almost felt like I had superhuman lung capacity compared to my old self. It was a painful transition, but I quickly equated cheating and sneaking a smoke with a more difficult run the next time I tried. Now 4 years later, I'm gearing up for my 4th marathon. So here's another runner who is glad they quit smoking and appreciates just how hard a task it is. Good luck!

                Half Fanatic #846

                  Here's from another "ex-smoker". Like a few of you, I also continued to smoke for the first few months of my 3 year running career. (I had the nasty habit for a really long time). I still remember having a smoke right before the start of a 5K, and once right after a 10K Shocked. WTF? To catch my breath, or what? Well , that was well over a year ago - now it feels really good to be able to draw a DEEP breath without feeling anything but good clean air going in. My wife and I both (as well as a co-worker) had fantastic success with the prescription "Chantix". The cost was about that of a smoking habit - maybe a little less, for about 3 months. This drug effectively blocked the brain's receptors for nicotine in all three of us, and soon eliminated the cravings. The easiest attempt I've ever had at trying to quit by far! For anyone wanting to stop smoking, I highly recommend it (only with your doctor's permission, of course). As my co-worker described it: "It's like a miracle drug". (No, I don't own stock in the company - I wish I did! - and I don't know any drug reps). Just FYI if it helps anyone Smile.

                  "I don't always roll a joint, but when I do, it's usually my ankle" - unk.         "Frankly autocorrect, I'm getting a bit tired of your shirt".                  I ran half my last race on my left foot!                                  

                    Way to go on the quit. I too am in this boat just quiting this past Thanksgiving. Luckily I was able to quit cold turkey and running has definately help me keep up this quit. Sometimes I feel like having a smoke but then I think about all the progress I have made and it is not worth it. Congratulations and keep it up Big grin
                      I don't think you are silly at ALL! I'm in EXACTLY the same boat. I smoked for 23 years and now thanks to prayer and Chantix I'm doing great! I used to run in high school, but now am 41 and want to revive that running habit. I'm nervous about it, because I'm not skinny, smoked a long time, etc. - but I'm thinking "Just Do It". I have 2 teenage sons who are encouraging me and supporting me with all of this. They are very athletic. Right now I'm riding a stationary bike every day and walking quickly at lunch hours, etc. in preparation to do a run/walk routine. My goal is a 5k that is on May 3 - my sons and I are registered. I told them it will either be a comedy, tragedy or triumph. I'm hoping for triumph. Ok - can you more experienced tell me is it REALLY possible to pull off quitting smoking to start running? I'm headed to the track to see how I do on the run / walk this weekend. Thanks a million and Em - I'm cheering you on! Wink Lynne
                        Welcome to the club! I have been running about a year now, and finally kicked the smoking habit. I have a son who just left for boot camp and since he was quitting, I did it too. Always felt stupid running 4 times a week, then going home and lighting one up. But welcome to the club, I have met alot of ex smokers since I took up running. Just another mile to go!
                        I run because I don't want to give up beer!

                        CO Christian

                          When I posted the other day, I started thinking and have set my quit date for Feb 6. If you're the prayin' kind... I've been smoking for 25 years so please pray! Chantix, huh? I'll have to call the doc. Thanks!!!

                          My legs are killing me

                            For all of you that are quitting or have recently quit come on over to the "ex smokers forum" in users groups. There is pleanty of support from runners just like you to keep you motivated.
                              JestDWied - you CAN do it!! Chantix, prayer and a positive attitude will get you away from them. I had to take Chantix every a.m. and p.m. for 2 weeks while still smoking. Toward the end of the week, I just didn't really want them. I got to the last day and smoke one or two and put them out 1/2 way through. I (and my husband) am amazed that it got me to stop. You CAN do this!! =-) I'll be cheering you on! Lynne =-)

                                It's great to see all this positivity! I've tried quitting my 11-yr habit countless times - but failed. However, I'm down from 20-a-day to 5-a-day now. It gets hard at times, but I'm learning to manage. The most important thing now is, I'm back at running again. It's a uphill task, but I'll get there! Cool