Beginners and Beyond


Thirsty ThursDAILIES (Read 41 times)



    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury  to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours.

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      After all of the salt on the chips I ate last night, I should be thirsty enough today to get a good head start on being properly hydrated for Saturday. Heading out soon for 3 little test miles to see how my various complaining parts feel.


      Have a great day, runners!

      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


        Mornin' Kidlets!


        Did 7 miles of tempo this morning.


        Have a fantastic day!

        YAYpril - B-Plus

          Good morning!


          SRD probably. I'll bring my gym bag to work just in case.


          delicate flower

            'Morning!  Nothing like getting hit with work problems before you even get to work.  Gonna be one of those days!


            Edit:  OK, work seems to be under control now.  So last night I had a lousy elliptical session.  I was just gassed for some reason.  It happens.  Seems like I never have two bad days in a row though, so I'm looking forward to the treadmill today.  I'm also looking forward to the weekend already.  I think I am more excited about MBC's duathlon Sunday than she is.  Big grin 



              Good morning!


              Coffee is wonderful, that is all.


              Probably taking today off too, hip is feeling better, but no need to push it.  I have a race next weekend and don't want to take any chances.  I *might* go out for a short easy run later, or I'll probably just wait until tomorrow.


              Hope everyone has a great day!


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


              Skirt Runner



                I have been so out of touch here lately. I have not been running much AT ALL. These past 3-4 weeks have been terrible on my training. I have been really stressed, and my body's reaction to stress is to have trouble falling and staying asleep. But of course, once I get to sleep and get into deep sleep I have the hardest time waking up and getting up. As a morning runner, that wrecks havoc on my running routine when I oversleep my alarm, which happens ALL. THE. TIME. lately. Then there have been allergies which have been so bad I can barely breathe. Then I got a sinus infection. Then a bad cough that lasted all last week and carried a little into this week. I am running my 10K this weekend still but unfortunately may need to adjust my goal of sub-60. My training has been so pathetic lately.

                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                Run to live; live to run



                  Morning everyone.



                  Team TJ

                    5.4 peacefully quiet miles this morning.  Just ME and my music Big grin

                    Running for TJ because he can't.


                    YAYpril - B-Plus

                      Feel better, Kristin.


                      Wickedly Average

                        Good morning, Step, flarunner, April, Phil, Dave, Kristin, Marjorie, & Robert!  Morning, Dailies!


                        Back to work tonight - my regular shiftwork has once again commenced.


                        But first, I'm going to squeeze out a short 3-4 mile run to try out the new shoes. I think I'll run in the Zooms today and try the Kinvoras tomorrow or Saturday.

                        Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                        5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54



                          Morning dailies! SRD for me. Just a couple of days until my HM.


                          Have a great day!

                          - Andrew


                            Good Morning Runners!!


                            It’s almost Friday!!  Anyone have big plans for the weekend (racing or otherwise)?   I got nothing in that department…..


                            Shari – Sounds like you had a fabulous feast last night!  YUM!    Good luck with your “test” run this morning!!


                            Flarunner – Good Morning!   Nice job getting the miles in so early in the morning!!  Have a Pinkerrific day!!


                            April – Enjoy your SRD!!


                            Phil – Glad you were able to get the work stuff under control so that you have time for your real priorities – us!!  ;-)    Have a great run later!!


                            Dave 2 – Totally agree – it is wonderful!!   Hope the hip continues to feel better!!


                            Kristin – Breathe.   Yes, things have been incredibly stressful for you over the past several weeks, but it’s going to get better!   Sometimes life interferes and when things settle back down, you’ll get back on schedule.   Take care of yourself!!  Hugs!!


                            Marjorie – Great run this morning!!  Have a wonderful day!!


                            Robert – So glad that you were able to get in the miles so peacefully without the RP this morning!  That’s a great way to start the day!!


                            Tom – Have a fabulous run today!   Be sure to report back on how the new shoes work out!!


                            I had lunch with my nephew and my SIL yesterday.   It really made my day to see them!!   My nephew gave me a get well soon present - a picture frame that says "Aunts....   Like Moms, only cooler".   :-)   I made it into the office again today - that's 3 days this week!!   I am definitely happy to be out of the house, but I'm also looking forward to working from home tomorrow because all the effort required to get to the office is wiping me out.   Two weeks until I'm hoping to get the cast off.....


                            Have a Pinktacular day!!   And, may your next run motivate you to work harder to achieve all of your goals!!


                            - Sarah

                            But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


                            delicate flower



                              I have been so out of touch here lately. I have not been running much AT ALL. These past 3-4 weeks have been terrible on my training. I have been really stressed, and my body's reaction to stress is to have trouble falling and staying asleep. But of course, once I get to sleep and get into deep sleep I have the hardest time waking up and getting up. As a morning runner, that wrecks havoc on my running routine when I oversleep my alarm, which happens ALL. THE. TIME. lately. Then there have been allergies which have been so bad I can barely breathe. Then I got a sinus infection. Then a bad cough that lasted all last week and carried a little into this week. I am running my 10K this weekend still but unfortunately may need to adjust my goal of sub-60. My training has been so pathetic lately.


                              Boy, that's a whole lot of matzoh balls floating around.  Get better, Kristin.


                              Hip Redux

                                 think I am more excited about MBC's duathlon Sunday than she is.  Big grin 


                                I'm just nervous about crashing and burning (possibly literally and figuratively) lol


                                Morning.  4 miles on tap at lunch.  Then kettlebell this evening.   Between now and 6pm, I have seven meetings on my calendar.  Gonna to be one of those days.

