Beginners and Beyond


The Final SunDAILIES (Read 45 times)




    Don't look now but December and all that comes with it (the holidays, time off from work, snow, cold, introspection of the year, a new year etc.) is dead ahead.


    Later for that though, up now is another session on the elliptical (you know you wanna). I was actually planning a core session but my lower half is still fried from Friday's workout so elliptical I go.


    What's up with you on this last Sunday of November?


      I bought three pairs of Ravennas on sale for $59.  What is the right number when you are stocking up on a deal?


        I bought three pairs of Ravennas on sale for $59.  What is the right number when you are stocking up on a deal?


        I always get two of everything but three works as well. In fact I have two unworn pairs of each of the three models I run in, plus one or two worn pairs of each. So that's like a million pairs of shoes. lol


        PS, I saw the 610 on Amazon for $99 if anyone is looking.

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          I clearly am not buying enough shoes. I tend to buy 2 pairs when I go over to Holabird. Most of this year, they have only had purple or orange Wave Rider 17s, so I just by keep buying the same colors--DH only thinks he's seeing the same shoes I have 1 pair in the box, just pulled a pair of 18s out of the box yesterday. Maybe I'll get 1 more pair of 17s, they are $45.


          Hopefully I can run later today on the treadmill. Going for another turkey meal at the in-laws. Should be interesting to see if BIL, SIL & kid can show up on time & communicate what they are bringing. When you say you are bringing mashed potatoes, that is not the same as showing up at the time you were told dinner would be with a bucket of raw potatoes



            Good morning!


            Wish I had an elliptical I could ride for an hour .


            I did 8.6 in the rain.  Was mid 50's, so still enjoyable.  I hate to taunt the running gods, but if my legs felt any better...

            Finals of the running game start tomorrow, I'm planning a big week.


            I hope everyone has a great day!

            Runner with a riding problem.

            From the Internet.

              The ball of my right foot hurts - that's usually the good foot  Calf is tight too. I had planned to take today off anyway, hoping I can get it all loosened up and be back to normal tomorrow.




                  Wish I had an elliptical I could ride for an hour .


                  Said no runner ever. lol


                  I was actually dead set against the idea of using the stupid thing but as the days became weeks I finally came around to see reason. I mean you can't just sit around and get fat and out of shape while waiting to heal...well you could, but you would just be deeper in the hole upon your return. So yeah, I am glad I have it FFS.


                  Good luck with your week!


                    Wish I had an elliptical I could ride for an hour .


                    I had one but I sold it.  I can count on one hand the number of times I rode it for an hour.





                        I had one but I sold it.  I can count on one hand the number of times I rode it for an hour.


                        6 weeks of the elliptical is what started me running.  That spot on the wall I was staring at got mighty bland.  I did go back to it when I hurt myself after a few months of running.  I have since sold it, since it was taking up room I don't really have.


                        While recovering from last years stress fracture, I bought one of those Gazelle things.  I could leave it on the back deck and not worry about rain.  It lacks any resistance, but I'll use it again if I can't run.

                        Runner with a riding problem.




                          So yeah, I am glad I have it FFS.


                          Good luck with your week!


                          Anything is better than jonesing for an elevated heart rate and some sweat.  Ride it till the wheel falls off.


                          And, thank you.  I'm looking for triple digits again. Or, not.  I'll know by next Sunday.

                          Runner with a riding problem.


                            I bought three pairs of Ravennas on sale for $59.  What is the right number when you are stocking up on a deal?


                            Wait, what?



                            Former Bad Ass

                              I ran the Space Coast Marathon. Would've PRd but for the side stitch since mile 18. Anyway, 4:38 on a hot day (78 when I finished, 70 when I started), 15 minute course PR, 4 minutes from my PR which was in 42F. I am fucking happy with this race. Marathon 31, I think.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                Oh, hubby PRd on his HM. Damn! 2:28:3X.

