Beginners and Beyond


Saturday Race day! (Read 40 times)


    Up getting ready to drive 2 hrs. down to our 5K race! Smile


    What you got goin today? Good luck anyone else  who is racing!


      I don't think I ever warmed up from that cold ass run yesterday. It's not quite as bad out this morning (allegedly), but the wind chill is in the teens, so it's giving me pause. 


        Up getting ready to drive 2 hrs. down to our 5K race! Smile




        Good luck. Give them youngins' hell.


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning.  I have Orange Theory and that's it for today.



          I lost my rama

            OFR - Good luck!  Go rock that race! 


            LRB - Yeah, once that chill gets deep in your bones, it's hard to thaw out.  Hope today's run is less chilly.


            Went for an easy 6.2 this morning.  First run since last Sunday's race.  Felt good.  But you PEEPS are a bad influence!  I went to REI yesterday to do some holiday shopping and I found myself walking out with a pair of Brooks Ghost 10's.  Ran in them today.  Good shoe.  Not as planted or light as my Boston Boosts and not as cushony as the Altras, but a good in-betweener.  I'll try them on trails, I think they may do well on them.

            3/17 - NYC Half

            4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

            6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

            8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


              OFR - Good luck! 




              DNS and URD for me.


              My running injury is now the least of my problems. After tweaking my back yesterday morning, it was pretty much crippling all day long. Excruciating just to stand up & walk around. I'm sure many of you have been there. Never improved throughout the day. Slept like a baby last night, maybe due to the usual accumulated sleep deficit from all my insomnia during the week, or maybe due to taking 2 Percocets at bedtime. Anyway, woke up & afraid to get up because I didn't know how my back would feel. It's the same. Goddammit. Putting on pants is a whole production. Socks are out of the question.


              This used to happen to me with some regularity, but has actually become pretty rare in the last 5-10 years. It was actually the reason I never got into running - I started running a little in my 20s, but was told that would be very bad for my degenerative discs.  I attributed the improvement to yoga, which I was doing a lot of, starting ~10 yrs ago. But ultimately when the yoga wound down (haven't done any in >3 yrs) and the running ramped up, back stayed healthy. At least when it has flared up, rather than lingering for weeks, it would only stick around for a few days. So I just hope to god it's the latter.



              delicate flower

                10K PR complete. 40:33 for a 24 second PR. STOKED. 4 OA and 2 AG. I lead the race for two miles but the guys behind me were clearing jogging so I was just keeping the place warm for them. It was fun while it lasted.



                Former Bad Ass

                  OFR, good luck!


                  Dave, oh, no!  Hoping it gets better as the day progresses.



                    10K PR complete. 40:33 for a 24 second PR. STOKED. 4 OA and 2 AG. I lead the race for two miles but the guys behind me were clearing jogging so I was just keeping the place warm for them. It was fun while it lasted.


                    SWEET! That's 3 PRs in 14 days! A Jesse Owens-like performance! Although his was something like 3 world records in 45 minutes. Close enough.



                    Former Bad Ass

                      10K PR complete. 40:33 for a 24 second PR. STOKED. 4 OA and 2 AG. I lead the race for two miles but the guys behind me were clearing jogging so I was just keeping the place warm for them. It was fun while it lasted.





                      I lost my rama

                        Baboon - Great job!  

                        3/17 - NYC Half

                        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                          Phil - congratulations!


                          Dave - sorry the back isn't any better.


                          OldFart  - hope your 5k went well.


                          LRB - Oatmeal and coffee have me at least starting the day warm.


                          D - two rest days in a row? Are you okay?


                          Bert - I bought some Ghosts yesterday too. They did feel good.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Ooops, forgot to book my OTF class and it's now full.  So, I'll do my alternate workout of 4 with 6 X 100m and weights tonight.



                              Phil - congratulations!


                              Dave - sorry the back isn't any better.


                              OldFart  - hope your 5k went well.


                              LRB - Oatmeal and coffee have me at least starting the day warm.


                              D - two rest days in a row? Are you okay?


                              Bert - I bought some Ghosts yesterday too. They did feel good.


                              Nice. I actually considered oatmeal, but went an open face peanut butter and banana sandwich made on flaxseed bread with honey drizzled on them.


                                10K PR complete. 40:33 for a 24 second PR. STOKED. 4 OA and 2 AG. 


                                You wake up like that.
