Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES can dig it (Read 38 times)


    In honor of Roger Hill, who played Cyrus in the 1979 cult classic The Warriors.


    We can dig it baby!  RIP



      I am off to the gym for a session on the belt.  Talk to me peeps?


        RIP Roger Hill


        15 slow miles after work.


        Hey, what about those movie quotes? Will we ever find out who said what? I feel cheated...

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

          Mornin' LRB!


          Apparently my taper plan is to just not run at all. lol  I will run today tho, after work.


          Hope everyone has a great day!


          My running blog

          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


            10 miles on the tready tread. I am thinking if I come up with goofy names for it, that will make it more enjoyable. Not working so far.


              Rick, have fun serving time on the hamster wheel.


              Lily, have a great fifteen-miler.


              Dave, enjoy your post-work run.


              DaveP MI, bravo on the ten.


              I did push-ups and ab work last night. Tonight after work, I'll do seven miles on the TM.


              Now? I'm going to procure myself some C8H10N4O2.



                Son of a bitch, I made the stupid call of trying out the trails this morning for our 8 miler...... Rocky and I only got in 4.3 miles before I said fuck it, my right calf didn't wait 10 minutes into the run to start hurting, and if the trails weren't frozen solid with 1-2 inch deep shoe tracks, bike tracks and ATV tracks, then the trails were mushing and worse than sand if not the same. I should have listened to the omen when I got to the parking lot next to the river and the trailhead was flooded, but no I decided to go park at the levee and try the trails that weren't flooded. Pooh on this weather, I am so sick of it! Rocky and I will get our other 4 miles in this afternoon on the greenway.

                Edit: The temperature was 18 degrees with a feels like 6 and 10 mph N winds, somebody make this winter go away!

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                  Beating my head against the wall (figuratively at the moment, but that is subject to change) trying to get DS to finish his homework and get ready for school. Somehow 12 miles of hills on the treadmill doesn't sound so bad compared to this. And did I mention we have wind chills back down below -20* again this week. Yes, I am a total ray of sunshine this morning. Bite me.

                  20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                  Barking Mad To Run

                    Today is a BRRRRRRR!!! day in San Antonio.  Ran last night after work, the temp was 78 degrees.  Woke up this morning to 43 degrees and 35 mph wind gusts and our temp will be dropping throughout the day, at the time I get off work (4 PM) it will be 38 degrees.  And we have a nice cold rain to accompany all this.

                    Shivering photo: shiver shivering.gif



                    My run last night was fun an interesting.  As I have a 'city-wide' membership for the YMCA, I am in the process of exploring all the local Y's and their surrounding areas.  Last night I went to the Westside YMCA.  The Westside of San Antonio was previously a notorious 'gang' area, but has improved a lot since those years. I went out into the local neighborhoods and did a 3.6 mile loop from the Y and back again.  I was the only runner on the streets and probably the only caucasian guy within 12 miles of the place, lol.  But what the heck, I don't care,so what if I might have seemed to be 'out of place' a little,  people are people, and as long as you treat folks with dignity and respect and be polite, you usually don't have any problems. My whole military career when I was overseas in lots of places I'd often run out into ''strange territory" and go "exploring" to get to know my surrounding environment. Which sometimes led to a few 'adventures' at times , but that was okay too.  So this was no big deal for me, par for the Scottydog course.    Lots of of folks in this area have dogs so I guess the combination of me having dog biscuits and wearing my "I Beat Cancer" shirt was kind of an 'ice-breaker" for the local residents.  I treated a lot of doggies along the way, had some conversations with lots of nice folks, and even a few of the local drivers honked at me and shouted out their window "Way to go!" and "Looking good!" etc.  When I got back to the Y, the lady at the desk - who had told me to be careful out there and be aware of my surroundings - asked me how the run was and I replied "Very nice, I met some very nice people and nobody shot at me at all"  ( I was actually shot at once when I was running when I first moved to San Antonio in 1994), which made her laugh.  The West Side often gets 'bad press' from the local news (and the East Side too), but where I was running  I found it to be very nice, with lots of good folks there.  Turned out to be a very nice run, so one more 'new route' to add to my growing collection.

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      Don't let the belt buckle you down, LRB!


                      15 slow miles at Lilypace = 5 miles at Scottydog pace..


                      Happy running after work, D2!  Hope your weather is nice!


                      10 miles seems to be your staple these days, DaveP.  Well, you could always call it "The Looking Glass Machine" or "Red Queen Torture Device" a la "Through The Looking Glass" in which you have to run REALLY fast in that fantasy-land to get anywhere, but you usually when you stop running you are still in pretty much the same spot  you started.


                      Good luck with the the Lazy Dog Walker machine miles, Basya!


                      Sorry about your calf, FreeSoul, and the crappy weather in your area!  Hope you have better results this afternoon.   You SURE you don't want to do a short 'winter-escape" to San Antonio?  You can even bring Rocky.


                      I wonder how Damaris' bike ride went last night?

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Beating my head against the wall (figuratively at the moment, but that is subject to change) trying to get DS to finish his homework and get ready for school. Somehow 12 miles of hills on the treadmill doesn't sound so bad compared to this. And did I mention we have wind chills back down below -20* again this week. Yes, I am a total ray of sunshine this morning. Bite me.


                        Is that an invitation?  Cuz, you know, I AM a dog...and I bet you're quite tasty!


                        Sorry about the morning frustrations, (((Step))).  Hope your day improves for you!

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                          Morning, dailies:


                          Rick - there's also some belt in my immediate future


                          Lily - enjoy the 15, the only quote I didn't have to google was the Office Space one.


                          D^taper - good easy day to you


                          DaveP - pretend that you're on a sunny beach somewhere?


                          Basya - better running through chemistry


                          Free - ugh, good weather will get here... someday


                          Step - DaveP is running on a beach!


                          Scotty - neat change of scenery.


                          Getting my LR done early, doing taxes later.




                            7 easy done and back to work after a one day hiatus and of course the world was coming to an end when I got to my desk.


                            Let me settle these people down and I will be back to play later! 


                            Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

                              Weights tonight after a great Tmill run last night which I probably didn't deserve after the punishment I gave my legs over the weekend.  (shrug) Thank God I didn't seriously injure myself, I probably deserved it.


                              And MAN am I pissed about another loss.......Harold Ramis is gone & we probably won't get another Ghostbusters flick.  (It had been rumored for quite some time, but I'm sure it's all but off the table now)  







                              delicate flower



                                8 miles on the rail trail last night at 8:17 pace.  8 miles on the gym treadmill this morning at 7:47 pace with 4 x 1 mile at GMP.


                                Gotta go.  Bye!

