Beginners and Beyond


Fridailies are the best. (Read 38 times)


    We were supposed to get 0 to 10 inches yesterday 

    Ended up being 0.


    Most of what fell here has melted or is melting. Good, now we can get back to spring. 👍


    Super B****


      Oh gosh, don't remind me about last Sunday.  21 miles in that cold slop.  The rain should stop later today, but the wind will make it a bad hair day both Sat and Sun.


      I did 18 that day... I spent the last half hour alternately wishing my kneecap would fall off and for a steaming hot shower.  (I got the latter.  Not the former.)

      chasing the impossible


      because i never shut up ... i blog


      I lost my rama


        I did 18 that day... I spent the last half hour alternately wishing my kneecap would fall off and for a steaming hot shower.  (I got the latter.  Not the former.)


          Glad you kept your kneecap.  It's kinda important (so I hear).

        3/17 - NYC Half

        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



          You don't want my heating bill $$$$


          They're probably about the same. And we keep our sprinklers set to the "brown and crunchy but not quite dead" setting.


          Super B****


              Glad you kept your kneecap.  It's kinda important (so I hear).


            Why do we even need them?!  All they do is just float around and cause problems.

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog



              Most of what fell here has melted or is melting. Good, now we can get back to spring. 👍


              The mud pit that is my back yard has almost dried up

              Mud + dogs = major PITA

                5. Easy, with dogface.  RWMD, pics!!!


                I can report based on actual experience that it rains more in Seattle than OC California, but my water bill here is cheaper. Because of the price of the land, I do not have an actual yard, and the patio that they call my yard has no grass.  My water "bill" is basically just for the service.



                  Annually, NYC gets more inches of rainfall than Seattle.  It's a myth people of Seattle like to propagate to keep people from wanting to move there.  They're too freakin' happy there.


                  Having lived in the Pacific Northwest, I can attest that it's not the amount of actual water that falls - it's the perpetual state of grey, drizzly and foggy.


                  It's still a darned good place to live, though.



                    I'd still trade with you in a second.


                    Yeah, I'd much rather be here. No interest in ever going back to, as Robert Plant would say, the land of the ice and snow.


                    And FTR - no time for a bunch of googling right now, but if you list cities with the highest annual rainfall in inches (or cm, for Cyberic), Seattle is nowhere on the list. But if you list by total days where some rainfall occurs, it's right there at the top (along with Portland, OR). It seems to rain virtually every day from about October through March, but he vast majority of the rain is just drizzle.



                      5. Easy, with dogface.  RWMD, pics!!!


                      I can report based on actual experience that it rains more in Seattle than OC California, but my water bill here is cheaper. Because of the price of the land, I do not have an actual yard, and the patio that they call my yard has no grass.  My water "bill" is basically just for the service.


                      Stupid dog wouldn't cooperate.


                      Embarrassing confession: later on in the day, I realized I should have attempted the photos at the end of the run.


                      Tomorrow for sure.


                      delicate flower

                        I treadmilled, and I treadmilled hard, because fuck it.


                        Half Crazy K 2.0


                          Stupid dog wouldn't cooperate.


                          Embarrassing confession: later on in the day, I realized I should have attempted the photos at the end of the run.


                          Tomorrow for sure.


                          Did you bribe her? Or were the treats not good enough?



                            The mud pit that is my back yard has almost dried up

                            Mud + dogs = major PITA


                            +1. I should really mop my floor but idk the point because it'll be muddy in 20 minutes anyway.


                              I ran 18. 5 mi w.u, 7 miles @ GMP (8:00), 3 miles @ 7:45, and 3 mile cool down. that 3 mile cool down felt like 7 days and 7 nights


                                Plumbers have been at my house all day fixing our issue. It's almost 3pm here...not looking good for them to be finished today  I have not had a hot shower at my house since last Friday.
