Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES: On second thought, I'll turn here (Read 30 times)


Are we there, yet?

    Holy crap. Kipchoge destroyed the world record at the Berlin Marathon today with a 2:01:39, breaking the previous record by 1:18.

    Despite two of his pacers dropping around 15K and the third pacer at 25K, so the last 10 miles plus he was on his own.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





    Former Bad Ass

      Despite two of his pacers dropping around 15K and the third pacer at 25K, so the last 10 miles plus he was on his own.


      That does not make him special but more like the rest of us.  I assume he knows how to pace by himself.



        14 miles with 4x2 mi with the sets at (MP, MP, HMP then MP) and 0.5 miles easy running in between, I nailed it! The HMP part was annoying though. We are finally getting temps down into the 60s at night, yay! I also put some new music on my ipod last night which is makes a HUGE difference for a long run, Fresh tunes!


        My coach ran Berlin this morning. She had been injured and her longest run was 12 miles last weekend, with tons of elliptigo'ing. She easy jogged (with some walking) to 3:38. You know, an entire HOUR less than my last one, lol


        Former Bad Ass



          and my local friend ran it and didn’t PR at 2:37 because of injuries. Damn.


            Slept only a couple hours last night. Was bug eyed at 2am so I figured what the hell I may as well watch Berlin. What an incredible athlete and human being...It’s almost like he’s not human. lol

            Eating like shit and lack of sleep screwed up my LR tempo today bad. Got 10 done but tempo paces weren’t even in the ballpark. I quit them at 3 miles. Boardwalk was mobbed. Was weaving in and out of people like a madman...almost got hit by a is fun passing people who are riding bikes though. I also think it’s just gonna take a couple more weeks for my fitness to return and re-acclimate to mileage again. This is my second 40+ week and I can feel the fatigue. Just so grateful to be running again...bad workout? Who cares FTS I’m running

            PRs:----- 5k: 17:48 (2019)   5M: 29:36 (2020)    HM: 1:24:37 (2017) Scheduled: ???


            Are we there, yet?


              That does not make him special but more like the rest of us.  I assume he knows how to pace by himself.


              I think it does make him special. The rest of us still have other runners around us even if they aren't our pacers. Being out in front by a huge margin and having only yourself to rely on for setting the pace is harder than you might think. It's fairly typical for the pace to drop off after the pacers drop out. That's one of the reasons the pacers try to go until 30K in record attempts. To not only hold pace but to run negative splits under those conditions and at that pace does make him special.


              Ask some of the regulars here how their times in a time trial compare to race times. That would be a similar situation and think you'll find almost unanimous agreement that time trial times are slower.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





              Former Bad Ass

                I agree he is special, as he is an elite. But to be able to push that pace without pacers is not impossible. Also, most pacers drop at 30K and we have still seen elites run negative splits. 30K and 16 miles are not that far from eachother to be amazed he kept his cool and killed it. From the other races I have seen him run, he is an amazing athlete and not surprised he went the 10 miles solo and not slow down.


                he is the olympic champion after all.




                  he is the olympic champion after all.


                  And has now won the last 9 marathons he's entered. Not bad.




                    And has now won the last 9 marathons he's entered. Not bad.


                    And the marathons he enters are pretty competitive


                    Former Bad Ass

                      15 miles on the TM done.



                        5 miles, just barely beating the rain.

                        27 for the week. Now that's progress.



                        delicate flower

                          5 miles, just barely beating the rain.

                          27 for the week. Now that's progress.


                          Good stuff right there.




                            Good stuff right there.




                            Former Bad Ass

                              Yay, Dave!



                              delicate flower

                                14 miles with 4x2 mi with the sets at (MP, MP, HMP then MP) and 0.5 miles easy running in between, I nailed it


                                Nice run, Whiskers!

