Beginners and Beyond

SunDAILIES - Is this the end? (Read 53 times)


    So yeah, I actually had to go out and buy hand warmers last night for today's run, incredible!


    My run time temp is expected to be around 10 degrees and tonight's low will drop into the single digits.  <Insert thread title question here> I for one am certainly not holding my breath!


    For now I am sitting' here enjoying my coffee while surfin' the net, looking to head out the door soon.  What is on your Sunday plate?  Figuratively and/or literally.


    delicate flower

      'Morning!  What up LRB and all you other crazies!?  Happy Sunday.  I just dragged my fat ass out of bed after a great nine hours of sleep.


      SRD today and I need it.  I will happily spend the day shoveling calories into my cake hole, and buying things for my wife.



        Morning B&B peeps.

        Baboon, rest well.

        LRB, run your ass off.

        Enjoyed my warm bed & then hot coffee while LRB was out in the icebox. Good workout yesterday, so today will be some recoveryish miles probably on the treadmill, followed by yoga. I expect plenty of calorie-shoveling as well. DW says it's like living with a teenage boy. I think she's only referring to my eating habits.


        Just B.S.

          Hubby and I heading out for 15 miles in a bit. Its 20 right now and very windy.


          We are experiencing a bit of a warm up today with high daily temp predicted of 26.


          Back into the freeze tomorrow with feels like of -20 ( yes that's a minus Smile )


          Good luck to todays racers!


            Morning, all! So much for Sunday as a day of rest. Today's schedule: church, Sunday school, 5-mile recovery run, yoga, clean house, take DS back to the Y to swim lessons ... crash. Today's 5 miles will put me to 60 or more for three weeks in a row.

            As for the literal plate - started with blueberry almond meal scones, coffee and grapefruit; likely a big spinach salad for lunch; leftover lasagna and some kind of veggie for dinner. How's that?

            20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



              Morning! SRD for me today.


              Yesterday I drove down to packet pickup, which is downtown. They opened at 11:30, race at 2. I got there just after they opened, got my stuff, then parked nearby. I had a 15 mile LR schedule for the day, so I needed to get some miles in. I wasn't going to sacrifice training for a fun run. I got out, and decided to run the trail by the river for 3 miles, then go further south until I hit 4.5, then turn around and wind back to the car through residential. I got 10 miles in before I started to prep for my 5k.


              Changed one of my shirts, put on a pair of green shorts and a crazy wig under my hat and ate a Gu. Went out and jogged a bit to the starting area, then ran some 400s. I got a mile or so in before hand. I was ready to go 5 minutes before hand, so probably the best at a race timing wise I've had. Normally I'm warmed up and waiting 10 minutes early. Most of the people were there for the party and not really for the competition. I lined up in the second row, right next to a larger kid who was wearing a pair of Chucks and tan pleated pants straight outta Jim Harbough's closet.


              Horn sounded and we lead the parade. Garmin after a quarter mile said 6:38. Quickly all of the kids that were hanging near the front peeled away, except for 2. Those 2 would go on to beat me. Smile I ran the race with the following splits: 7:07, 7:27 and 7:28. Finished the last 0.1 at a 6:14 pace. Finish time was 22:42, which was 1 second faster than my previous PR. Smile That was good for 9th in my Age Group, and 36th overall. Pretty fast group if you ask me, considering only 250 people ran the race. I cooled down with a 1 mile cooldown. Hat tip to Shari, I got my 15 miles in. Smile


              I'll leave you with a pic of me running in the race:

              - Andrew


                Nice race Andrew! And lookin' very festive! Need to change your screen name to something like O'BrrrrrrIen for the day.



                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  Biking and maybe a short recovery run.


                  Andrew, great job on the race!  I am sure your PR will be smashed again in the Spring.


                  Good luck, LRB.



                    Need to change your screen name to something like O'BrrrrrrIen for the day.



                    Former Bad Ass




                        Congratulations on the PR, Andrew! So, are those blue eyes of yours really Irish? :-)


                        Morning guys!


                        I'm having a lazy morning and just finished my third breakfast (yes, you read that right. The third breakfast consisted of last night's leftovers: rice covered in a honey curried sauce ). I will now slowly make my way to the laundry room, search for clean running clothes, then go upstairs to brush my teeth, tie my hair up and after a heavy sigh, I will walk to the garage, where I will maybe run 20 miles. The plan is to do a progression run today and go from a 9:04 pace all the way to about 7:45. I don't know if I have it in me, I was stupid yesterday and ran more miles last night in an attempt to pad up my mileage (ran 4 in the morning, 8 a few hours later and another 8 in the evening...). Anyway, if I can't run the 20, no biggie, this was a recovery week anyway...

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                          Congratulations on the PR, Andrew! So, are those blue eyes of yours really Irish? :-)


                          They sure are Lily, at least a little.

                          - Andrew



                            Ugh on this crazy March weather, yesterday's high was a beautiful 67 or 69 degrees and sunny. Dorian had a blast in the woods yesterday, and now we're stuck inside because it is around 35, windy and rainy..... of course this keep me from not running today so that is good as I need the rest. I am still having to wear my gloves during my morning runs but I am determined not to dig my tights out until next winter damn it!


                             I want to see blue eyes, blue eyes are pretty Smile

                            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                              My 10k is done at 43:34.


                              Despite my sincerest attempts to avoid any, there was a race day snafu as the registration location was moved a half mile away from where it was the previous two years I have done this event.


                              Apparently it was posted on the website but I never bothered to look, a decision that proved fatal.


                              After frantically race walking with several other runners trying to find the stupid place, I registered but managed only a .70 mile warmup before heading to the start.  Garmin says it was 16 degrees, but it sure as hell felt colder than that!


                              The cold temps however were not what did me in, it was the lack of a proper warmup.  I usually do 3 miles and sometimes 4 before speed work, and 2 to 3 miles before a race and that is in warmer temps (warmer being relative).


                              As it is, I was just never able to get comfortable at race pace, or even tempo pace for that matter!  My splits are God awful so cover your eyes: 7:03, 6:49. 6:52, 6:52, 6:51, 7:03.


                              I am really disappointed not only in my time, but my performance.  I just could not dial up anything substantial and I did not care, which is so unlike me.


                              The race never really was a race, and I am unsure that any benefit came of it, something a runner never wants to say.


                              In the end I should have listened to Dave P and bagged the race, you were right bro.  I could have driven over to Stoney and done much better than this on my own and saved 50 fuckin dollars to boot!


                              I would have never imagined though that I would not get my warmup in, I left in plenty of time to do so but ended up spending that time walking!


                              Oh well, I will get back at it next week and try to purge this pathetic effort from my memory.

                              Jack K.

                              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                                Brrrrrrr: way to go! I like how you still got your miles in on race day, ran a great race, AND had some cool green running clothes. That's dedication, baby!!


                                LRB: Shake it off. In those temps you've had it can't be easy. I ran in 35 degrees, ONCE, and I thought that was cold.


                                I will also be shoveling calories today but I will be doing it at DD's swim meet all... day...  Oh well, they're only kids once.


                                Happy Sunday to you.