Beginners and Beyond

On the Fifth Day, There Were THURSDAILIES (Read 44 times)

    It's morning.


    I have little more to say. At least I'm precaffeinated. I'll spare the kind folks at Dunks the misfortune of dealing with me in my uncaffeinated state.


    I'm on my way to the gym for an hour of something. What? I haven't decided yet.


      At least I'm precaffeinated.


      Are you sure about that?  Check the title then the calendar babe. 

        I fixed it.


        I laughed so hard, I'm seriously considering calling that my cardio for the day.


          Thursday is the fifth day of the week, no?


          You got it!


          As for me, I am about to head out into the cold ass darkness for a spin on the belt.  It is indeed cold here and dare I say we are finally in the dog days of winter.


          That is fine because each day that passes gets us that much closer to spring!


          delicate flower


            That is fine because each day that passes gets us that much closer to spring!


            That seems so far away.  So very, very far away.


            GOOD MORNING, RUNNERS!     7 more slugglish miles on the treadmill last night.  8:27 pace.  My heart rate wasn't quite as pegged yesterday, so at least my legs are starting to come around again.  The last time it took me this long to recover from a non-running event was when we biked 200 miles over two days.  It would appear skiing hard for six days straight has similar effects on my legs.  But, WORTH IT.



              Morning people. I mean "good morning, people", not referring to any of you as "morning people", because I know better.

              I have stopped even looking at the weather forecast, it is too depressing. I just set my alarm for 5:00 every day to get on the treadmill. Which is also depressing, but at least it's reliable.


              Today: 8 miles; 2@9:13, 4@7:48, 2@9:13.


              Have a good day everyone.



                Great tempo, Dave!


                Good morning Dailies people!


                Yoohoo! Today is recovery day for me and that makes me happy, my legs feel a teeny bit tired. 8 miles after work and they will be slow. Four days to go before I become an official mamie. 


                Have a great day!

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                  Phil, great run last night.


                  DaveP MI, excellent eight.


                  Lily, have an excellent recovery run.


                  6.50 TM easy TM miles in 1:04:37. 9:57 pace. I'm officially awake.


                  Barking Mad To Run

                    It is a TESTUDINEOUS Thursday for me!


                    Testudineous - To be as slow as a tortoise.


                     photo penguintortoise_zps3c5ff0a6.jpg



                    Given the weather some of us are having today, I'm sure a lot of us are testudineous this morning.    In my area - San Antonio - we dropped from highs of 60s yesterday to a low this morning of 30, very windy, and sleeting this morning.  There are accidents all over our local highways this morning.  Why idiots would get on the highway in these conditions anyway is beyond me, especially as we South Texans are terrible bad-weather drivers.  I sure was testudineous. I took the back roads to work, very little traffic.  My normally 20-minute commute took 40 minutes, but I don't care, I got here safely.  Our high today will shoot up to the 40s and it will be very windy, and the 'feels like' temp will be around 37, but there will be sunshine, so I plan after work to get in about 3-4 miles of hills.  I got my base layer so I won't get chilled during my walk breaks in that gusty wind.

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      Hope you had fun, Basya, with your hour of something.  Well, Thursday is the 4th day of the week for me, as my week starts on Monday.  At least my running week in my running log anyway.


                      You have to go out into the cold to get to the treadmill, LRB?  I thought you had one at home, silly me.


                      Sorry your Spring is far away, Phil.  Here in San Antonio, if we can just get through Damn February - typically our coldest month of the year - then in March our temperatures will begin shooting up again.  Congrats on your 7 miles!


                      Congrats on the 8 miles, DaveP.  Sorry about your depressing weather.


                      8 miles is a 'recovery run', lily?  What's a 'mamie'?

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt



                        a. 1. Resembling the shell of a tortoise.


                        Woohoo! New word for me! Thanks, Scotty!  And continue being smart on the roads, my friend. You guys probably don't have the winter tires we have on our cars here.


                        "After 11 days with a horrific flu, my skin has now become testudineous." It sounds gross. I love it!

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        Barking Mad To Run

                          Quote from BasyaSpiliakos on 2/5/2014 at 3:25 PM:

                          OMG. I was reminded why I should never eat a big meal, even five hours before, the day of a run. What a wicked side stitch. I hobbled for 5.50 miles in 59:07 (10:45 pace) before I quite. Effityeffeffeff. I walked for a bit until the discomfort stopped.


                          I'll hit the weights in a few minutes.



                          Well, at least you didn't puke on an old lady's yappy little dog, like I once did after having pizza pre-run.

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                          Barking Mad To Run


                            a. 1. Resembling the shell of a tortoise.


                            Woohoo! New word for me! Thanks, Scotty!  And continue being smart on the roads, my friend. You guys probably don't have the winter tires we have on our cars here.


                            "After 11 days with a horrific flu, my skin has now become testudineous." It sounds gross. I love it!


                            Testudineous:  Characteristic of a tortoise, or the shell of a tortoise; As slow as a tortoise.


                            Guess it depends on which dictionary you use, lily.   The one I found online was 'ye olde words' not very much used anymore, and the 'slow as a tortoise' definition was primarily used in the 19th century, go figure.


                            You never did tell me what a 'mamie' is...I hope that's a good thing! And why will you be one in 4 days?

                            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                              My DD is due on the 10th. :-) Isn't it your birthday also, Scotty? Mamie is what I used to call my two grandmothers.

                              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Morning!  Thursday is always to me the fourth day, being raised Catholic and all. 


                                My bike better be ready tonight.  Did 3 last night and had to cut it short due to my new car being ready.  Tonight, I better bike and run.
