Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #6 (Read 34 times)


    Back to work after 2 whole weeks of doing absolutely nothing


      Back to work after 2 whole weeks of doing absolutely nothing


      How does it feel getting going again? Are you happy to be back to a schedule, or do you prefer to fly by the seat of your pants?


      I'm up to meet with a friend to do some strength training...we are meeting MW mornings. So she is my STB? (Strength training buddy?) lol Smile And then I think I have 4 miles later. We'll see.


        BTW is this the running backpack you would recommend? (Cy & KC?)



        I just realized I can start run commuting to my office on some days!


        delicate flower

          Happy Monday, and welcome back to the work world, Cyber!  I have today off while I wait around for the furniture delivery (mattress, frame, base).  I figure I should tip these bros $20 each??  Once they're gone, I'll tend to my long run.




            I had to return last Thursday but twas silly imo because we are getting laid off for at least a week on the 20th. I would have preferred them keeping us home January 2 and 3 and laying us off this week. But I don't make the rules.


            Anyway,  today's a rest day but I might sneak in something short and maybe some light weights. I need to work on this weight gain.


            *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

             **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



            Former Bad Ass

              Morning! I have 5 miles tonight. Weights too if I can.


                1 mi of strides on flat with lots of tilt; back and forth on a short parking lot a block from my house.  off work tomorrow and want I nice run at accotink but gotta keep working on the right hams.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Just got a text from my mom about the 5.7 magnitude earthquake in PR this morning. They've had more than 20 below 4.5 in the last 20 days, but yikes. This time some houses collapsed and a road. Far from where she lives, fortunately. Now to wait for my dad to check in.



                  Super B****

                    10 on the AlterG. I’ve spent the nearly 45 minutes since I’ve gotten to work trying to get my computer to do SOMETHING but I’m not meeting with much success. I should just go home.

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog


                    UM 45 Ohio 23

                      5 easy miles in a 15-20 mph wind. A little chilly for the first 2.5, mostly into the wind, pleasant for the last 2.5 with the wind at my back (which helped my pace ever so slightly).  First full week of work for me in about a month; not looking forward to it!

                      From the Internet.



                        After coming to peace with coping with running less for a few days in a healthy way, by doing some extra guitar practice or picking up one of my knitting projects... I poured boiling water on my left hand when draining pasta for dinner last night, a task I have done without injury or incident thousands of times before  That shit HURT for hours, despite all my best attempts to make it not hurt, but I finally got to sleep and it just feels weird now. Fun times. I think knitting will be out of the question today because of the way I hold my yarn (it would end up dragging directly over one of the painful patches on the back of my fingers) but guitar might be OK.


                        Will jog a few minutes later on to see how the hip is doing. If OK, might do a little progression, if it's still noticeable it'll just be a streak jog.


                          RoS, if I could I would stop working right now. By "if I could" I mean if I had the money to do it and had the assurance that I'd be ok for the rest of my life financially.


                          Baboon, I don't get furniture delivered often, in fact almost never, but you just made me realize that I never thought of tipping the guys. Now that I know, it won't happen again. Thanks for contributing to making me a better person.


                          delicate flower


                            Baboon, I don't get furniture delivered often, in fact almost never, but you just made me realize that I never thought of tipping the guys. Now that I know, it won't happen again. Thanks for contributing to making me a better person.


                            Well I never know about this stuff and had to Google it.  Seems to be pretty split on whether or not to tip furniture guys, with the trend erring on the side of YES.  And it's not like these guys are just dropping off a mattress...they have to assemble the frame, headboard, the base.  When in doubt though, wife and I will tip.  I'd always rather over-tip.



                            UM 45 Ohio 23

                              RoS, if I could I would stop working right now. By "if I could" I mean if I had the money to do it and had the assurance that I'd be ok for the rest of my life financially.


                              If I could retire right now, knowing I could maintain my current lifestyle, plus a little more travel, I'd retire in a heartbeat.  Unfortunately, that's probably another 10+ years down the road...


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Phew, just heard from my dad. Just as two more earthquakes rocked PR again of 5.2 and 4.7. In like an hour.
