Beginners and Beyond


Guess somebody ought to do it SaturDAILIES (Read 39 times)


    Sure, I miss half the last week, then come here to report my actual RUNNING plans, and not a dailies in sight.



    Morning, all. I am planning on about 12 miles this morning, though debating whether it will be with the group on single-track type trail or by myself on the crushed rock rail-trail.

    And it is already/still 75* at 5 a.m. Blech.

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      Hi Step,  YOU are the dailies in sight!  


      I am up to try to beat the heat myself.  Of course it's not as bad as some of the other peeps but like anything else it's all relative.


      I will be heading to the track for today's workout which I concocted myself.  It promises to be an ass kicker and you know what? I am looking forward to it!


      First things first though: coffee me!


        Just finished my coffee. Will be running during DS's soccer practice at 9. It's going to be already pretty hot and humid with a Dew Point Oops, sorry, I was going to be talking about the Dew Point before HappyLily. So, yeah, I'll be running about 75 minutes, mostly easy, but maybe 20-30 minutes at MP, and that will make my week total at around 80 km or 50 miles.


        Some people have recommended Body Glide for my chafing or vaseline. Nothing new to you people but when it's raining or it's hot and humid and I'm sweaty, my T-Shirt clings to my skin and I get chafing spots. So I read about Body Glide vs Vaseline and decided Body-Glide was better in the sense that it's less greasy. Then I saw the price. I went "WTF?". So I read on, and someone suggested (can't give the credit, don't remember where I read this) that the gel type anti-perspirant does the same as Body Glide, and is much cheaper. So I tried that and it seems to work well. Today and tomorrow are going to be real good tests for the Gillette stick.


          Cy I usually only chafe on the nips () wearing a particular type of material for 40 minutes or more and use the little round band aids for that.  For everything else I actually do use vaseline for its greasiness properties, which is likely to last for the duration of a half marathon or marathon.


          That said a runner can never have too many tools in his/her toolbox so thanks for the tip.  If I can find that unscented I will buy a stick and throw it in my bag.


          delicate flower

            Sure, I miss half the last week, then come here to report my actual RUNNING plans, and not a dailies in sight.



            It is Saturday morning.  Are you new here?  



            Good morning, my little cheetos!  Saturday plans are a little in flux now.  Was supposed to go for a hard bike ride with DW, but she is not feeling well this morning.  Sad  So, not sure what the day will bring.  Maybe a ride, maybe a run, maybe both and maybe neither.  If I do anything, I will let you know!


            FYI, I slept 9 hours last night.



            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  Just woke up.  I wanted to run today but being too hot to run right now, I might take an SRD.  I have a show tonight to attend to. We are going to watch Transformers 4 but if I have time before I leave, I'll do some miles on the TM.




                Barking Mad To Run

                  AFM:  My 5K does not start until  11 a.m.  It will be 83 degrees with a 'feels like' temp of 88, humidity of 87% and a dew-point of 73.  Sweat, sweat, sweat!   This 5K is being done as a fun-run as part of my running club's annual luncheon and meeting.  Run scheduled for an hour, from 11 to noon (so slow-pokes like me will have plenty of time to finish, lol), then lunch from noon to 1 PM and then our actual meeting after that where we vote in officers for the year and hand out our scholarship money to deserving local students who are also runners.    Lunch is at an eatery called Two Bros. Barbecue


                  Two Bros Does it Slow and LowExpand





                  Lots of shade and a nice outdoor patio to enjoy after the run...not to mention really good barbecue.   The park we will do the 5K run in is conveniently right across the street from the eatery

                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  Former Bad Ass



                    Haha.  What else is new?



                    Barking Mad To Run

                      Cy I usually only chafe on the nips () wearing a particular type of material for 40 minutes or more and use the little round band aids for that.  For everything else I actually do use vaseline for its greasiness properties, which is likely to last for the duration of a half marathon or marathon.


                      That said a runner can never have too many tools in his/her toolbox so thanks for the tip.  If I can find that unscented I will buy a stick and throw it in my bag.


                      Well, LRB, here is TMI for you:  I am lucky in that regard because I am one of the 10 percent of the male population that has "inverted nipples"...


                      In my case, I was born that way.  Some guys get embarrassed by it when they go to the beach, etc., and have some type of minor surgery done to correct it.  Me, I could give a crap, it is what it is.  And a NICE side-effect is no nipple chafing when I run.

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                      Jack K.

                      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                        Hi Dailies.


                        We are back from our mini-vacation so I am again running at home at an elevation I can handle. However, it is heating up here I hate the heat. i don't know which is worse; running at 6700' in nice temps or running here in the heat.  In any case, I just finished 9.3 miles with a little 3 mile push at the end.  This was my longest run in my Newtons and they seem to be ok.  Now it's shower time, take DD to swim practice, and World Cup. Go Chile!


                        Baboon: How exactly does one sleep for NINE hours?! Man, I'm happy if I get six!


                        Have a good day



                            I will be heading to the track for today's workout which I concocted myself.  It promises to be an ass kicker and you know what? I am looking forward to it!


                            After the first 400 I found myself wondering what in the hell was I thinking about!  The sun was high, there was no breeze and several times I found myself wanting to just cut it short.  But rather than thinking about how many intervals I had left, I just focused on the one I was in.


                            It is the same concept I used at mile 22 of the that hot ass marathon I ran where I just focused on making it to mile 23, not thinking about the entire 4 miles that were left.


                            "R" pace workout:

                            3 miles easy

                            1 mile tempo (6:26)

                            2 strides (19, 19)

                            2 x 200  (36, 39)

                            2 x 400 (79, 79)

                            2 x 600 (2:03, 2:04)

                            1 x 800 (2:47)


                            That was a tough, tough workout but despite the agony of the last few intervals I pretty much ran the entire stupid thing on target so I am very happy about that.


                            9.75 miles total, 2.08 of them at 5:32 and now my day can begin!


                            Former Bad Ass


                              You Rang?

                                Greetings from gloomy Southern California, where the outside air temp is 69F and the dew point is 59F.  All this talk about dew point brings back memories of my service in the US Coast Guard.  One of my duties was to take a wet bulb and dry bulb temperature reading. Good times!


                                I've just come back from three miles of hills (to the extent you want to call what we have around here hills) on Delaware St.  Good time had by all and by all I mean me.


                                PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)
