Beginners and Beyond


It is Jeans Day Fridailies! (Read 42 times)


delicate flower

    For just three dollars, you too can wear jeans to work today!  BTW, how about you wake up already OMG?


    So what's shakin'?  What's going on?  What'd ya do and what's the plan?  I've got 10 miles to tackle today, but the weather forecast of heavy rain and 30 mph winds might put my butt on the treadmill.  We'll see when it is run time.  I'm also busting out a new pair of shoes just in time to break them in for my marathon, and I'll be damned if my first run in them is going to be in the rain.


    Stomach is grumbling right now, so I've got to go deal with that...


      Hey hey hey.


      Phil, have a terrific ten-miler.


      Three speedy miles after work here.


        I'm gonna wear yoga pants today just to be contrary. 


        32 measly push-ups and 32 measlier sit-ups done this morning. I decided to start working on my core again, because I have been slacking in that department. I'll do more throughout the day and will try to sneak in 30 minutes of free weights during lunch. Then I have 10 easy miles later, after work. Then it's a long weekend for us here. La Fete Nationale des Patriotes. Quebec Libre! Which means in English that I get a day off on Monday.

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        Wickedly Average

          Hey Hey, My My,
          Fridailies will never die!


          Morning, all!


          SRD for me - I think I'll do well to have 2 consecutive days off from running this week. My sleeping habits are all out of whack as I transition back to day shifts. I don't transition as well as I used to.


          Oh well - time to get some chores done around here. Have a great day, all!

          Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

          5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54



            Rocky and I ran our last run in Tennessee this morning, 5.2 miles and I will say that my legs are seriously missing home and our nice and relatively flat roads. I don't think a single run this week was easy, but instead hilly and humid lol. Loved it though, and am feeling so relaxed and ready to get back home.

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


            delicate flower

              Someone brought real bakery donuts into work today.  THINGS ARE LOOKING UP ON THIS FINE FRIDAY!



              Barking Mad To Run

                Nice run/walk yesterday afternoon around 2 pm.  Sunny, 79 degrees, 29% humidity, low dew-point  Went to one of my favorite parks and did my outing on the trails.  After the rain we had, the trails were still firm enough to run on but just soft enough to feel great on the legs.  Ended up doing 5K distance.  This was my third consecutive running day in a row - unusual for me, as I usually run every other day - and my legs surprisingly feel pretty good.  I also met a GIANT Great Dane, a very friendly dog that I gave a treat to.  Nice outing.


                Today is a rest day.  Was supposed to have a 5K tomorrow, one that is to help raise funds for a 7-year old girl with cancerr.  However, it got postponed to a later date. Hoping this was not due to something happening with the little girl, she had a relapse, etc. Anyway, so now for a rare change I have no weekend race scheduled, so I will just do some relaxing running on my own this weekend.

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  WARNING: If you have OCD, do not read my mileage for today. Smile


                  9.49 miles early this morning, about half with the group. Legs felt pretty wiped out, which is not good considering what I have planned for them in the next 24-36 hours. Tonight, DS and I will both test for our next belt level in kyukido (the martial art we study), and then tomorrow morning I will shoot for 25 miles, mostly on trails, as my last real long run before my June 7 50k. And because next week/weekend are kind of messed up schedule-wise, I will also be running Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with no rest days, in order to try to hit decent mileage next week.


                  Have a great day, everyone!

                  20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                    WARNING: If you have OCD, do not read my mileage for today. Smile


                    9.49 miles early this morning, about half with the group. Legs felt pretty wiped out, which is not good considering what I have planned for them in the next 24-36 hours. Tonight, DS and I will both test for our next belt level in kyukido (the martial art we study), and then tomorrow morning I will shoot for 25 miles, mostly on trails, as my last real long run before my June 7 50k. And because next week/weekend are kind of messed up schedule-wise, I will also be running Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with no rest days, in order to try to hit decent mileage next week.


                    Have a great day, everyone!


                    You're crazy, in a beautiful way.  Good luck to you and Kevin!

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                      Baboon, which shoes are those? I guess your company hasn't been hit too hard by the economic downturn. They thought one "benefit" they could give us is allow us to wear jeans every day. Yippee. Who really cares if guys in IT have dress pants on? Especially guys like me who are programmers and sit behind the computer all day.


                      5 Easy miles this morning for me. I'm also still doing my pushups. I did 30 this morning. I think I want to start doing some core work too now that I'm switching to 10k training. I should have a bit more free time since I won't be putting in the time of marathon training.

                      - Andrew


                      delicate flower

                        Baboon, which shoes are those? I guess your company hasn't been hit too hard by the economic downturn. They thought one "benefit" they could give us is allow us to wear jeans every day. Yippee. Who really cares if guys in IT have dress pants on? Especially guys like me who are programmers and sit behind the computer all day.


                        Our $3 jeans days are United Way fundraisers.  Personally I hardly ever buy the jeans sticker because I find dress pants to be more comfortable to sit in for nine hours.


                        Shoes are the New Balance 1400v2...the only shoes I wear.  It's a new pair though and I'd like to put 40-50 miles on them before the marathon.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Morning!  I have court today even though I am on vacation so I must get ready to attend by phone.  Then, I need to be in Orlando so I will run there later tonight.  Flying out tomorrow!


                          Jack K.

                          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                            I'm wearing shorts to work. I wear shorts to work just about every day. Yes, it's nice. Later, in the cool of the night, I will run six easy miles.


                            Have es a good weekend, Dailies.




                              Spent forever trying to get my stupid motorcycle to start to ride to work, and of course it wouldn't. 


                              Then I got to work and one of the girls said it was going to rain this afternoon, how did I miss that?  


                              I guess my bike wasn't so stupid after all, oops! 


                                Today is jeans day here too, although it is every Friday, and doesn't cost a dime. Actually in reality it cost an awful lot more than that. Because once Friday jeans day started, my wife told me I cannot wear my regular old Levi's to the office, I need to get "nice" jeans. Not that anyone else cares, there is an extremely low overall level of fashion sensibility at my office. So eventually she dragged me to Nordstrom's to get a pair of nice jeans. Any of you who shop there will have some idea what they set me back. But at least now I'm apparently stylin'.


                                Anyway, this morning it was 35 degrees with a 29 windchill. ON MAY 16, WTF?? But hell if I'm going to put on long pants to run this time of year, so did it in shorts anyway. Although with 2 long sleeve tech tees & gloves. A guy at work said "I saw a guy running outside in the cold this morning wearing shorts, is that something runners do?" Erm, maybe. 8.2 easy miles.


                                Have a good Friday everyone.

