Beginners and Beyond

Cold WednesDailies! (Read 39 times)



    The last version of Ghosts I have are the 7. I have both them and the Breakthrough in a 10.5. For me, the Ghosts seem roomier in the toebox than the Breakthroughs. I size up 1.5 sizes, which has gotten me some weird looks if a store insists on measuring me. Usually I just go to Holabird Sports, which is really dangerous to have nearby.


    I got the Brooks Revel a few weeks ago. I like them better than the Ghost, but not better than my Wave Riders.


    Great to know you’ve tried both. And I love your comment about the toe box.


      I liked the Ghost 9's slightly better than the 10's.  Unfortunately, size 14EE disappeared long ago so I had to go to the 10's after the lone pair of 9's.  I ran in the 5's and 6's when they were out.  Liked the 5's a lot.  Used Glycerin's but the new one caused blisters along my big toe knuckle whatever it is called.  Retired them after 100 miles and went back to the Ghosts.  The ride felt about the same anyway.


      LM:  What did you sync your data over from?


      3 miles on the TM tonight.  Knee seems to be holding up.


      Former Bad Ass

        Sorry, Blue. Sad


        Thx for the size recommendations. I’ll go with an 11. #bigfoot


        Docket, glad Hershey’s problem should be resolved easily??


        Yeah, I need to be more vigilant and give him the lactulose every week instead of when he looks like he has problems.


          I liked the Ghost 9's slightly better than the 10's.  Unfortunately, size 14EE disappeared long ago so I had to go to the 10's after the lone pair of 9's.  I ran in the 5's and 6's when they were out.  Liked the 5's a lot.  Used Glycerin's but the new one caused blisters along my big toe knuckle whatever it is called.  Retired them after 100 miles and went back to the Ghosts.  The ride felt about the same anyway.


          LM:  What did you sync your data over from?


          3 miles on the TM tonight.  Knee seems to be holding up.


          That is very helpful to know.  I was having a hard time figuring how they were different, other than $$.


          I synced what I could from Garmin, but it only integrates back a certain amount of time, so I only could capture 30 or 60 (can't remember exactly) days in arrears to RA.  I have Garmin linked to my Runkeeper account, so I used that to create a file that would upload to RA with all the old historical stuff.


          I had to go through and delete a couple things that for some reason came through as duplicates, but it wasn't too bad.  I realized recently that may not have caught all of them because I see some discrepancies in monthly mileage from way back in the day, but I haven't looked closely to figure out what the deal is.


          Part of the problem is I synced Garmin Connect to Runkeeper using endomodo when I first got the Garmin, and didn't realize how long it takes to do the process.  I foolishly thought it wasn't working, so I tried doing it as a file transfer.  I ended up with duplicates of every. single. activity.  I went through and dutifully deleted the doubles, but there's a definite possibility I didn't' catch them all.  Runkeeper is kind of a PITA to edit, and it loads super slow.