Beginners and Beyond

Cold WednesDailies! (Read 39 times)


delicate flower

    The Marathon this weekend is calling for mid 20’s at the start!


    Long sleeve shirt and light gloves, otherwise the normal marathon garb.



      10 miles of slluggish suckitude.



        shoulder, pec fly, and triceps and then half the stair challenge. I had an early meeting so just shoehorned in what I could.


        Former Bad Ass

          It's a cold 83F here right now, and 70 dewpoint!  Winter!


          Dropped Hershey off at the vet this morning and now waiting to see if there are any news.  He is just too quiet.


          I have 6 miles with strides and weights tonight.  Off to Court.  See you later!



          delicate flower

            Speaking of gloves, I just realized my latest marathon is only the second time (out of nine) that I didn't wear a pair in a marathon.  I guess that tells me it was a little warm, since I will always err on the side of keeping my hands warm.




              I can't make that ass out. 


              That ass is pretty small.


                LRB - Green Superfeet are pretty rigid. I can't even wear them hiking, much less running.


                They are, which tells you how bad off I am that I wear them in every pair of shoes I own. lol


                +1 on the green.  Yes they're stiff but they've kept PF in check for 2 years now. 


                Indeed. I actually prolonged my PF affliction because I went away from the support insoles when I first got injured. The pain was manifesting itself in my heel, and with the SF being so hard in the heel, I switched to cushiony insoles, which exacerbated my PF. 


                That went on for months and months until a chance conversation I had with my massage therapist regarding my heel pain. She was the one who diagnosed it, I had no clue what was wrong.


                It's been forever since I've run with that awful, searing pain in my arch. And the days of waking up at night or standing up from a period of prolonged sitting to a frozen, debilitated, non-functioning heel are just about a thing of the past. (fingers crossed!)


                Super B****

                  Hey, I actually ran with other people today!  Last Friday, I passed by the meeting spot at 5:57 (on the late side for me), nobody was there, I kept going, because to me, 6 AM means I'll be there a few minutes earlier so that we can actually start at 6 AM.  Today I got there at 5:59, one other person was there, we waited until 6:01, and then we started running the opposite direction we usually do so that we encountered our missing person midway.  She titled her Strava activity "Don't be late if you want to run with [me]." 

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog


                     That ass is pretty small.


                    I was looking for a cheek on that ass. Sophomoric minded I guess. lol



                      I was looking for a cheek on that ass. Sophomoric minded I guess. lol


                      Yeah, the long tail hair mane kinda covers it.  ...Hey, aren't all guys just big teenagers.


                        Long sleeve shirt and light gloves, otherwise the normal marathon garb.


                        Agreed, although I would lose the shirt after a few miles, so it would need to be a throwaway. I would also have on throwaway pants in the corral.


                          I was looking for a cheek on that ass. Sophomoric minded I guess. lol


                          Somebody needs to TAP THAT ASS!  (This has been building in my head since the first pic, so shouting is the result.)  Also, Bert, your wife is hilarious, I vote you attach that ass to the car as a sweet ass hood ornament.  I can do a lot with the word "ass."  This may continue, you have been warned.


                          Yes. Cold.  What was very odd this morning is it was 61 when I left the house, but had dropped to 53 by the time I got back... I don't recall this ever happening in the morning.  The temp is pretty normal for here at this time of year, but the DP was 9 degrees.  That is dry.  It's amazing how well tech clothes work when it's not humid AF.  And that thing with my hands going numb happened again.  Not crazy about that, but it doesn't seem fatal, so onward and upward.


                          I also woke up late, I had shut off my alarm for SRD, and forgot to turn it back on. Fortunately I only woke up 8 minutes late, so not a total disaster.  My 9 ended up 8.5, but so it goes.  2 warm up, 8x 400 with 1:20 jog recoveries, 3.5 or so cool down.  OFR, I transferred all my crap to the RA log, so it's accurate.  I didn't go back and color things in (everything is "default") going way back, I think I just keyed it from this past 1/2 cycle to present.  I lost patience at some point with syncing everything.


                          delicate flower

                            Hey, I actually ran with other people today! 


                            That sounds horrible.




                              That sounds horrible.


                              People are the worst.



                              I lost my rama

                                LRB - Yes, I can understand wanting to go to a softer insole.  It's a bit counter-intuitive to go for harder and stiffer on such a tender spot on the foot.  Glad you worked it out though!


                                OFR - Ass not big enough?  Now we know your preference on that matter! 


                                bluerun - I'm with you on being early.  If I show up on the nose, then I feel like I'm late.  Next time run the other direction and make the late one catch up!  But what do I know... I always run alone.


                                Docket - Sorry to hear about Hershey.  Man when it rains it pours.  Hope things go well at the vets.


                                LM - Haha!  I was changing my clothes when DW took that pic.  I'm sure she knew I would cringe like no tomorrow if I saw her... she's a clever one!  Don't worry, you'll have plenty of ass-rtunities when my RR is done! 

                                3/17 - NYC Half

                                4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                                6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                                8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours